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OverviewFelgo Plugins Support › AdMobBanner alignement


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  • #18121

    Witold Walkiewicz


    I’m trying to put AdMobBanner in the bottom of my app and I’m not sure how to put AdMobBanner.Smart to the bottom. Example below fills bottom part of the screen with red, and the banner is on top of rectangle (and i want it to be in the bottom).

    Rectangle {
                width: 480
                height: 50
                id: adRect
                anchors {
                    bottom: gameScene.gameWindowAnchorItem.bottom
                    top: boardWithBorder.bottom
                    topMargin: 16
                    horizontalCenter: boardWithBorder.horizontalCenter
                color: "red"
                AdMobBanner {
                    id: adMobBanner
                    adUnitId: "(my unit id)"
                    banner: AdMobBanner.Smart
                    anchors.fill: parent



    Felgo Team

    Hi Witold,

    can you post the full running code example (without your ad unit id of course)? It would be great if you can cut down your code to a minimum so it still shows your issue and we can also see how the whole app ui is set up.



    Witold Walkiewicz
    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtQuick 2.2
    import Felgo 3.0
    GameWindow {
        id: gameWindow
        activeScene: gameScene
         Scene {
            id: gameScene
            width: 480
            height: 640
            Item {
                id: boardWithBorder
                width: 400
                height: width
                anchors.centerIn: gameScene.gameWindowAnchorItem
                Rectangle {
                    id: boardBorder
                    width: parent.width
                    height: width
            Rectangle {
                width: 480
                id: adRect
                anchors {
                    bottom: gameScene.gameWindowAnchorItem.bottom
                    top: boardWithBorder.bottom
                    topMargin: 16
                    horizontalCenter: boardWithBorder.horizontalCenter
                color: "red"
                AdMobBanner {
                    id: adMobBanner
                    adUnitId: "(my ad unit id)"
                    banner: AdMobBanner.Smart
                    anchors {
                        bottom: adRect.bottom

    Iit’s possible that I don’t get how to properly align elements in QT…


    Witold Walkiewicz

    This is the result (Screenshot). I want the ad to be on the bottom of the screen..




    Witold Walkiewicz

    Update: the screen in previous post was taken on LG G6 (Android) and the ad is too high. On iPhone SE it’s too low (cropped)…


    Felgo Team

    Hi Witold,

    sorry for the late reply. I did some testing and could reproduce the issue. The AdMob item’s height seems not to match the actual ad height if used as child of a Scene. Thank you for reporting this! Could u put the banner outside of the Scene component and handle the visibility manually then?


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