HI All
We are trying to use Android Biometric to log into an application.
For this Google recommends using androidx and dropping support for android.support
There is bug associated with this problem
Also here is another description of the problem
If we simply add AndroidX to build.gradle then there is conflict with older libs.
To make it work with Felgo (previous release tied to Qt 5.13.2) we are manually changing gradle.properties in android-build directory but according
to this info:
are defined in gradle.properties file. This file is
* updated by QtCreator and androiddeployqt tools.
* Changing them manually might break the compilation!’
This file is overwritten each time we clean project.
When I tested clean project with current Felgo (5.15.2) and I generated templates from Qt Creator (tab: project) I had gradle.properties visible in Qt Creator but I wasn’t able to compile the project – ended with java error when building the package
Is there support with current Felgo/Qt for AndroidX ?
Or a roadmap to support this in next release ?
When I create a new project now with current Felgo (5.15.2) there is no AndroidX reference in build.gradle
Or maybe some “hack” to prevent gradle.properties being overwritten each time I clear project ?
Best Regards