Hi, my code saves the position of the user (gps) that logs in firebase, but in android the application stops, if I comment my code where I keep the position the application does not stop, and I do not understand what is the error, in IOS it works well,Could you help me to see where the fault is? this is my code:
import Felgo 3.0
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.XmlListModel 2.0
import QtLocation 5.5
import QtPositioning 5.5
import Qt.labs.settings 1.0
import Felgo 3.0
import "."
Page {
// Custom colors
readonly property color blueLightColor: Qt.rgba(0, 147/256.0, 201/256.0, 1)
// Generic text blue color
readonly property color blueDarkColor: Qt.rgba(69/256.0, 85/256.0, 105/256.0, 1)
// Background grey
readonly property color greyBackgroundColor: Qt.rgba(238/256.0, 238/256.0, 238/256.0, 1)
// Grey line color
readonly property color greyLineColor: Qt.rgba(221/256.0, 221/256.0, 221/256.0, 1)
property var coord: []
signal logoutClicked()
signal loginSucceeded
property var usuarios: []
property var uids: []
property var maps:[]
readonly property int maxListEntries: 20
property int numListEntries
property bool loading: false
//properties location
property var location: []
property var email: []
property var timestamp: []
property var userId: []
property var enlinea: []
property var latitude: []
property var longitude: []
property var devicemodel:[]
property var mac:[]
title: "Maps"
// Settings
Settings {
id: settings
property var favorites
onFavoritesChanged: {
console.debug("Updated favorites", JSON.stringify(favorites))
Component.onCompleted: {
if (favorites === undefined) {
// Add a first favorite for demonstration purposes
favorites = [ 1021 ]
ListModel {
id: favsModel
function update() {
// Nearest from GPS coords
// Add favs
for (var i = 0; i < model.count; i++) {
var station = model.get(i)
if (settings.favorites.indexOf(station.internalId) !== -1) {
userId: station.userId,
email: station.email,
// mac:station.mac,
//freeBoxes: station.freeBoxes,
//freeBikes: station.freeBikes,
favorited: settings.favorites.indexOf(station.userId) !== -1
function updateNearest() {
if (!map.userPositionAvailable)
// Compare current user location with all other stations
var currentDistance = -1
var currentIndex = -1
for (var i = 0; i < model.count; i++) {
var station = model.get(i)
var distance = map.userPosition.coordinate.distanceTo(QtPositioning.coordinate(station.latitude, station.longitude))
if (currentDistance === -1 || distance < currentDistance) {
currentDistance = distance
currentIndex = i
// Get station
if (currentIndex !== -1) {
var station = model.get(currentIndex)
set(0, {
userId: station.userId,
email: station.email,
// mac:station.mac,
// location: station.freeBoxes,
//freeBikes: station.freeBikes,
favorited: settings.favorites.indexOf(station.userId) !== -1
Component.onCompleted: {
// saveLocation()
// loginPage.loggedIn()
// loginPage.loginUser()
// loginSucceeded()
// aiTimeOut.start()
Timer {
id: aiTimeOut
interval: 20000;
repeat: true
triggeredOnStart: true
onTriggered: {
/* if(!firebaseAuth.authenticated){
console.log("No autenticado");
Connections {
target: firebaseDb
// we store the read values in those properties to display them in our text items
property var location: []
property string realtimeTestValue: ""
// realtimeValueKeys: ["public/userlocations/"+firebaseAuth.userId+"/location"]
// update our local realtimeTestValue property if database value changed
//onRealtimeValueChanged: if(success && key === "location") location = value
//property string realtimeTestValue: ""
// update our local realtimeTestValue property if database value changed
onRealtimeValueChanged: {
if(success && key === "location") {
location = value
// update our local testValue property if read from database was successful
onReadCompleted: {
if(success) {
console.debug("Read value " + value + " for key " + key)
location = value
} else {
console.debug("Error: " + value)
// add some debug output to check if write was successful
onWriteCompleted: {
if(success) {
console.debug("Successfully wrote to DB")
} else {
console.debug("Write failed with error: " + message)
NavigationStack {
splitView: false
Page {
id: page
title: "User Position"
navigationBarHidden: true
property int selectedIndex: -1
onSelectedIndexChanged: {
var selectedStation = model.get(selectedIndex)
if (selectedStation) {
currentStationView.userName = selectedStation.email
//currentStationView.stationBikes = selectedStation.freeBikes
//currentStationView.stationBoxes = selectedStation.freeBoxes
currentStationView.userFavorited = settings.favorites.indexOf(selectedStation.userId) !== -1
// Header
Rectangle {
id: header
width: parent.width
height: dp(210)
// Bring in front of map
z: 2
color: greyBackgroundColor
PageControl {
id: pageControl
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.topMargin: Theme.statusBarHeight + dp(10)
opacity: page.selectedIndex >= 0 ? 0 : 1
pageIcons: map.userPositionAvailable ? ({ 0: IconType.locationarrow }) : ({})
tintColor: greyLineColor
activeTintColor: blueLightColor
onPageSelected: {
pages: favsModel.count
ListView {
id: innerList
onContentXChanged: {
currentIndex = Math.round(contentX / width)
pageControl.currentPage = currentIndex
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.topMargin: pageControl.y + pageControl.height + dp(10)
visible: !currentStationView.visible
model: favsModel
orientation: ListView.Horizontal
snapMode: ListView.SnapOneItem
highlightFollowsCurrentItem: true
delegate: PerfilView {
width: innerList.width
height: innerList.height
userName: email
devicemodel: devicemodel
userId: userId
// stationBikes: freeBikes
//stationBoxes: freeBoxes
userFavorited: userId
// We don't use the property signal change handler as this one is also emitted when
// changing the property in code
onFavoritedPressed: {
if (settings.favorites.indexOf(userId) === -1) {
else {
settings.favorites.splice(settings.favorites.indexOf(userId), 1)
function scrollToPage(index) {
// TODO: Animate
innerList.positionViewAtIndex(index, ListView.SnapPosition)
PerfilView {
id: currentStationView
anchors.fill: innerList
visible: page.selectedIndex >= 0
backVisible: true
onBackPressed: {
page.selectedIndex = -1
// We don't use the property signal change handler as this one is also emitted when
// changing the property in code
onFavoritedPressed: {
var internalId = model.get(page.selectedIndex).userId
if (settings.favorites.indexOf(internalId) === -1) {
else {
settings.favorites.splice(settings.favorites.indexOf(internalId), 1)
Rectangle {
anchors.top: parent.bottom
width: parent.width
height: dp(5)
gradient: Gradient {
GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "#33000000" }
GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "transparent" }
ListModel {
id: model
Component.onCompleted: {
// show the map
AppMap {
anchors.fill: parent
plugin: Plugin {
name: "mapbox"
// configure your own map_id and access_token here
parameters: [ PluginParameter {
name: "mapbox.mapping.map_id"
value: "mapbox.streets"
PluginParameter {
name: "mapbox.access_token"
value: "pk.eyJ1IjoiZGlyZXN0cmVwb2JyIiwiYSI6ImNqanZxYjI3ODlzazEza3Axcmh0b3N5NHMifQ.BCHtMCaong-P2FD0Ld5cZg"
PluginParameter {
name: "mapbox.mapping.highdpi_tiles"
value: true
// configure the map to try to display the user's position
showUserPosition: true
zoomLevel: 13
center: QtPositioning.coordinate(2.93121222406898, -75.26168910793518)
// check for user position initially when component is created
Component.onCompleted: {
center: QtPositioning.coordinate(2.93121222406898, -75.26168910793518)
//center = userPosition.coordinate
console.log("Coordinates "+center)
onMapClicked: {
// Clicked on map, remove current selection
page.selectedIndex = -1
// once we successfully received the location, we zoom to the user position
onUserPositionAvailableChanged: {
// if(userPositionAvailable)
// zoomToUserPosition()
onUserPositionChanged: {
//center = userPosition.coordinate
// PositionSource.
coord = src.position.coordinate;
PositionSource {
id: src
updateInterval: 1000
active: true
onPositionChanged: {
coord = src.position.coordinate;
// console.log("Coordinate:", coord.longitude, coord.latitude);
MapItemView {
model: model
delegate: MapQuickItem {
coordinate: QtPositioning.coordinate(latitude,longitude)
anchorPoint: Qt.point(sourceItem.width/2, sourceItem.height-dp(2))
sourceItem: AppImage {
id: image
width: dp(40)
height: dp(34)
source: {
// Inactive
if (enlinea !== false) {
return "../assets/pin-green.png"
else {
return "../assets/pin-grey.png"
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
page.selectedIndex = index
z: 90-latitude
IconButton {
icon: IconType.locationarrow
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.leftMargin: dp(10)
anchors.bottomMargin: dp(10)
enabled: map.userPositionAvailable
size: dp(26)
onClicked: {
function saveLocation(coord){
//console.log("Inicio guardar posición...")
// var userposition= coord.latitude+","+coord.longitude;
var dbItem = {
timestamp: timestamp,
location: coord,
email: firebaseAuth.email,
userId: firebaseAuth.userId,
enlinea: firebaseAuth.authenticated,
latitude: coord.latitude,
// mac:system.macAddress
firebaseDb.setValue("public/userlocations/" , dbItem, function(success, message) {
if(success) loadData()
//console.log("Posicion guardada")
function loadData() {
loading = true
// console.debug("loading data")
// load the last X entries, ordered by timestamp property
firebaseDb.getValue("public/userlocations", {
}, function(success, key, value) {
if(success) {
// console.log("uids", uids)
maps= JSON.parse(uids.valueOf())//property var maps:[]
loading = false
for (var i in maps.valueOf()) {
// console.log("UIDssssssss",i )
getByUser(i) //function to obtain from the id of user
//the details of that particular user
function getByUser(uid){
// console.log("Obteniendo usuario",uid )
firebaseDb.getValue("public/userlocations/"+ uid, {
limitToLast: maxListEntries,
orderByChild: "timestamp",
}, function(success, key, value) {
if(success) {
// console.log("usua ", usuarios)
// mapview.model = usuarios.valueOf()
var parsedUser = JSON.parse(usuarios.valueOf())
// dumpJSONObject(usuarios, 0 ); //here
// console.log("Leenando List de ", email)
//I filled the ListModel to then pass it to the MapItemView
model.append({location: location, email: email,timestamp:timestamp,userId:userId, enlinea:enlinea, latitude:latitude,longitude:longitude, devicemodel:devicemodel, mac:mac});
// console.log( "mostrar", model.get(email))
loading = false
mi config firebase in Mail.qml is:
FirebaseDatabase {
id: firebaseDb
config: customConfig
// define which values should be read in realtime
realtimeValueKeys: ["public/userlocations/"+firebaseAuth.userId+"/location"]