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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › android splash flicker

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  • #16281


    hi I have a problem with an android app.

    I want to have a splash screen that is active immediately.

    but i get a flicker during apptheme drawable splash and manifest splash.

    And a flicker during qml first time overlay and fading to content.

    i do not know how to fix this behaviour.



    Felgo Team

    Hi Bas,

    we’ll have a look at this and get back to you next week, is this sufficient? We do have used another technique to implement a native Android splash screen, we need to discuss what options we have and weather to also implement this into the engine itself.




    yes that is fine, thanx!



    Hi all,

    Just to be noted, I followed the same tutorial as Bas and also experience flickering. Just one time on faster device, twice on slower.

    I am waiting with more work in this area to later stage of my game, it’s not a priority at the moment.

    Despite it I would be very interested in any improvements that can be done in this area.





    hey guys, whats the status on this subject.

    did you found a solution yet?

    grz, bas


    Felgo Team

    We already had a look at some possible improvements, our new solution will be part of one of the next Felgo Updates then! 😉




    Any solutions?

    I`m using “theme” splash to display it immediately at start, and splash_screen_drawable

    Between them there is a something like a theme-switch, statusbar gets visible for a while

    then there is a second flicker, before qml gets painted (a short black screen).

    seems like  https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-43558  is still not resolved in any way?

    Or I`m missing something?


    Felgo Team


    making my main loader synchronous, and using sticky splash with fadeout resolved second flicker 🙂

    The one remaining (it`s not so noticeable) happens when qt starts, and (as someone stated on forums) (seems to)  calls setTheme

    Android statusbar changes style, twice. From white-on-transparent to white-on-gray, and again to white-on-transparent. It happens in a few frames (~3..5)


    UPD: statusbar flicker resolved setting application android:theme to @android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen

    The same must be stated in splash file: parent=”@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen”

    Splash is perfect now 😀


    …And, I think you should make some tutorial for this, it`s not so easy to non-android programmer to find this all out 🙂

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