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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Antialiasing

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  • #9707



    I have a few rotating elements in my game. Everytime anything is spinning the edges are drawn not very nicely. I already tried to enable msaa, by adding QSG_ANTIALIASING_METHOD = msaa to the build environment variables in QtCreator. But nothing changed.
    Are there any suggestions what to do?


    • This topic was modified 9 years ago by  Terry86.


    From the Qt Docu: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtquick-item.html#antialiasing-prop

    antialiasing : bool

    Used by visual elements to decide if the item should use antialiasing or not. In some cases items with antialiasing require more memory and are potentially slower to render (see Antialiasing for more details).

    The default is false, but may be overridden by derived elements.


    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by  pklaffert.


    I have already tried this. -> nothing changed

    EntityBase {
    id: plate
    entityId: “plate”
    entityType: “t_plate”
    x: 100
    y: 100

    antialiasing: true

    height: plate_collider.height
    width: plate_collider.width
    transformOrigin: Item.TopLeft
    MultiResolutionImage {
    id: plateImage
    source: “qrc:///imgs/plate/plate.png”
    width: plate.width
    height: plate.height * 4
    x: -plate.width/2
    y: -gameWindow.step * 2

    antialiasing: true

    property double originX: gameScene.width/5 //+ plate.width/2// * 2.5
    property double originY: gameScene.height – (ground.anchors.bottomMargin + ground.height – plate.height*0.55)
    property double bounce_height: gameWindow.step * defs.plate_bounce_height
    property double bounce_radius: bounce_height*2
    property double bounce_default_speed: – bounce_height / defs.plate_bounce_time_default

    BoxCollider {
    id: plate_collider
    x: -plate.width/2
    y: -plate.height/2
    width: hero.width * 2
    height: gameWindow.step
    categories: Box.Category4
    collidesWith: Box.Category2
    friction: 0
    restitution: 0
    bodyType: Body.Kinematic

    antialiasing: true

    onYChanged: {
    if(y < originY-bounce_height)//(gameScene.height – (ground.anchors.bottomMargin + ground.height + bounce_height)))
    plate_collider.linearVelocity.y = -bounce_default_speed //-plate_collider.linearVelocity.y
    if(y > originY)//gameScene.height – (ground.anchors.bottomMargin + ground.height))
    plate_collider.linearVelocity.y = 0
    y = originY//gameScene.height – (ground.anchors.bottomMargin + ground.height)
    var dx = (1 – Math.sqrt(1 – Math.pow((originY-y)/bounce_radius , 2 ) ))
    x = originX + bounce_radius * dx
    console.log( Math.asin(dx)*180/Math.PI )
    rotation= Math.asin(dx)*180/Math.PI

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by  Terry86.

    Felgo Team

    Hi Terry,

    pklaffert had the right idea, but the problem are the internals of the MultiResolutionImage component. It is an Item with an Image as child, so setting the antialiasing property doesn’t affect the Image. As a workaround you can access the antialiasing property of the internal image by adding image.antialiasing: true to the MultiResolutionImage. (you can ignore the warning of QtCreator that imagehas no members, this is just an autocompletion issue of the editor)

    We will change the internal image to inherit the antialiasing property of it’s internal Item parent with the next update.


    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by  Alex.


    Hi Alex,

    I updated the code like this

    MultiResolutionImage {
    id: plateImage
    source: “qrc:///imgs/plate/plate.png”
    width: plate.width
    height: plate.height * 4
    x: -plate.width/2
    y: -gameWindow.step * 2
    antialiasing: true
    smooth: true
    image.antialiasing: true

    But with no effect.


    Felgo Team



    Is there a way it enable msaa and to set the semples?

    When adding QSG_ANTIALIASING_METHOD = msaa to the build environment variables in QtCreator antialiasing isn’t performed anymore.



    Ok, maybe it was obvious but now I’ve found the solution to turn on msaa (multisampling) which brings you a slightly better result than the default vertex antialiasing.

    QQmlApplicationEngine engine; // something like this should already be in your code
    vplay.initialize(&engine); // something like this should already be in your code
    vplay.setMainQmlFileName(QStringLiteral("qml/Main.qml")); // something like this should already be in your code
    engine.load(QUrl(vplay.mainQmlFileName())); // something like this should already be in your code
    QQuickWindow* window = (QQuickWindow*) m_engine.rootObjects().first();
    QSurfaceFormat format;

    Maybe you also have to add QSG_ANTIALIASING_METHOD to the variables of the build environment in QtCreator and assign it the value msaa. By default the value should not be in the list and therefore the value vertex will be assigned, if I’m right.

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by  Terry86.
    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by  Terry86.

    Felgo Team

    Hi Terry,

    thanks a lot for sharing your code!




    yess, i needed that too



    Is the “image.antialiasing: true”-issues solved in the new version (2.6) ? I.e. do you changed the internal image to inherit the antialiasing property of it’s internal Item parent?


    Felgo Team

    Hi Tobias,

    yes the antialiasing property is now forwarded internally.

    Cheers, Chris

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