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OverviewFelgo 1 Support › App icon not shown on android device

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  • #7262



    I have been trying to create an app icon for my game by following instructions here. I have added app_icon.png (250×250 png file) to the qml folder, before uploading it to the build server. My icon is correctly shown next to the binary in the build server interface after uploading, but when downloading the apk to my device the default v-play icon is still shown instead of mine.
    What might I be doing wrong?

    – Mathias


    Felgo Team

    Hi Mathias,

    on which device are you testing your app?

    Could it be that an old version of your app was installed before, and your  phone’s launcher doesn’t update the icon?

    You could try uninstalling the app before installing the new version or deploy on another device (or the Android emulator).


    If this is not the problem, I will try to investigate further.






    Hi Chrisu.

    I have tried to uninstall the app before installing the new version. I also tried to restart the device. I guess what you are saying is that the icon is cached somewhere in my device.  Im using a samsung galaxy s3 mini.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by  maitek.

    Felgo Team

    Hi again,

    another thing that might cause problems with the app icon are 8-bit PNG files. If you use an 8-bit PNG please try reformatting it to 24-bit (for example in the save options of photoshop/paint.net).






    It seems like the 8-bit png was the problem. I exported the icon in 24-bit and now it works.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by  maitek.
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