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OverviewFelgo 1 Support › App instantly closes saying the application has been stopped

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  • #7417


    When I run my flappy bird app, the screen rotates and then a popup message occurs saying the application has stopped. It works fine on windows with no problems at all. I also tried checking the logs but there were none.

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by  KaNN.
    • This topic was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by  KaNN.

    Felgo Team


    did you change/add images? Mobile devices are case sensitive, so check if you use the right paths. What platform are you trying to run it on?




    alex.huber said:


    did you change/add images? Mobile devices are case sensitive, so check if you use the right paths. What platform are you trying to run it on?


    I changed the texture pack but I didn’t change any of the names. I am trying to run it on Android KitKat


    Felgo Team

    Did you check the logcat output of your device or did you only check the log on desktop?



    alex.huber said:

    Did you check the logcat output of your device or did you only check the log on desktop?

    I checked the logcat output of my device. VPlayGameNetworkScene is showing up as unknown in main.qml, could I be missing something?

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by  KaNN.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by  KaNN.

    Felgo Team

    You could indeed be missing the VPlayGameNetworkScene 😉

    In our FlappyBird Demo game it is located in the scenes folder, please check if it is there.

    Also you mentioned the screen is rotating before shutdown? Check your config.json, you need to set the orientation to portrait.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by  Alex.


    alex.huber said:

    You could indeed be missing the VPlayGameNetworkScene 😉

    In our FlappyBird Demo game it is located in the scenes folder, please check if it is there.

    Also you mentioned the screen is rotating before shutdown? Check your config.json, you need to set the orientation to portrait.


    Hm, weird, for some reason I am still getting the crashes, you were right about the network scene though 🙂



    I managed to pull some logs.


    04-14 16:11:31.527 W/Qt      (6069): file::/qml/Main.qml:83:3: Type VPlayGameNetworkScene unavailable

    04-14 16:11:31.527 W/Qt      (6069):        VPlayGameNetworkScene {

    04-14 16:11:31.527 W/Qt      (6069):        ^

    04-14 16:11:31.527 W/Qt      (6069): file::/qml/scenes/VPlayGameNetworkScene.qml:12:3: VPlayGameNetworkView is not a type

    04-14 16:11:31.527 W/Qt      (6069):        VPlayGameNetworkView {

    04-14 16:11:31.527 W/Qt      (6069):        ^

    04-14 16:11:31.527 W/Qt      (6069): WARNING: VPlayApplication: no GameWindow item found, so could not set the rootGameWindow contextProperty as well!

    04-14 16:11:31.527 W/Qt      (6069): WARNING: VPlayApplication: the root object was not found, thus the size of it can not be set to the display size retrieved from cocos!

    04-14 16:11:31.537 F/libc    (6069): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000000 (code=1)


    EDIT: deleted unimportant parts of the log

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by  Alex.

    Felgo Team

    Did you use “sdk”: “daily” in your config.json?

    From the documentation: “Note: The VPlayGameNetwork component is only available since Felgo Daily Build v1.5.4. So to use the daily build version on the Build Server add the "sdk": "daily" part to your config file.”




    alex.huber said:

    Did you use “sdk”: “daily” in your config.json?

    From the documentation: “<b>Note:</b> The VPlayGameNetwork component is only available since Felgo Daily Build v1.5.4. So to use the daily build version on the Build Server add the <tt>”sdk”: “daily”</tt> part to your config file.”


    I hadn’t done that but the game still just stops :/



    Can’t edit my last post, but it is 100% something to do with VPlayGameNetwork, since I tried disabling it and then the app ran, but I just wonder what the hell I messed up.


    Felgo Team

    How did you disable it?



    alex.huber said:

    How did you disable it?

    I removed the alias and the VPlayGameNetworkScene in main.qml


    Felgo Team

    Did you also delete all the other references of the item (“gameNetwork” and “vplayGameNetworkScene”)? E.g. in the states. You can search in the whole project with ctrl+shift+f.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by  Alex.


    alex.huber said:

    Did you also delete all the other references of the item? E.g. in the states. You can search in the whole project with ctrl+shift+f.


    No I didn’t delete any other references, but I kinda wanna keep VPlayGameNetwork as it is the thing that keeps track of your highscore.

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