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OverviewFelgo SDK Support › AppTextEdit & AppFlickable

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  • #25564

    nks (baumemo)

    Hi Felgo Team,

    i was trying the following example:


    I found this feature very interesting but I is not that polished.

    I have the following problems:

    When typing or removing a lot of line breaks the scrolling indicator get stuck (sometimes it is smaller/larger as it should be). Sometimes the indicator even leaves the scroll area. On android the “selection” cursor get painted in the left top corner when deselecting the TextEdit.

    Are this issues known and is there a possibility to get it fixed? Or is there a trick to quick fix this behavior?



    Felgo Team


    Generally speaking, the text input handling can be a bit clunky at times also from Qt side, and we don’t have an easy way to improve it. The Felgo additions for AppTextEdit on top of the Qt/QML TextEdit are actually rather simple, and we e.g. do not exactly control the rendering or placement of the selection curser – this is all up to Qt.

    The cursorInView setting only changes the Flickable’s contentY property to automatically scroll the Flickable – if the TextEdit::cursorRectangle.y position moves out of bounds of the visible Flickable area. If the calculated ScrollIndicator position does not match, it could be that the reported contentHeight of the TextEdit does not properly adapt. You could try to improve it by doing some different height handling for the TextEdit, e.g. using implicitHeight instead of contentHeight, or doing some other custom calculation based on the appTextEdit.lineCount.

    AppTextEdit {
                id: appTextEdit
                height: Math.max(appTextEdit.implicitHeight, flick.height)
                // ...

    This is just an idea though – maybe it helps?


    nks (baumemo)

    Hi Günther,

    thank you for your fast response. I tried a lot and for what I’m trying to do the TextEdit didn’t work very well… I think this is the most broken part in Felgo because it is so complex. There seem to be a lot of bugs here but the Qt-Team seem to work very hard to make TextEdit better. I found a lot of fixes (e.g. https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-115005 ) which solve some problems. I think I will wait until Felgo will update to latest Qt :).

    Is there a release planed?


    Felgo Team

    At the moment I can’t provide a fixed release date yet.

    If an issue is very urgent and critical for you we can offer to let one of our developers have a closer look as part of our paid support and development services. We can then try to come up with a customized Qt patch or workaround either based on the current Qt version, or by creating a Felgo preview version with the latest Qt. But as this involves extra effort and cost it would be best if you can still live with the smaller inconveniences until the next official Felgo SDK update.


    nks (baumemo)

    Felgo Team


    sounds good!

    As the Felgo SDK tightly integrates with the targeted Qt version it is not possible for us to provide it as a “light” extension that works for any Qt. We did explore the Marketplace option for a while by additionally providing specific Felgo builds for the current and historic Qt versions supported by older Felgo releases. There wasn’t much interest in adding Felgo to other (older) Qt versions, so we don’t target the Marketplace at the moment.

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