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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › BalloonPop bugs / audio on ios

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  • #13116


    The demo game BalloonPop has 2 bugs under Qt5.6 and the latest Vplay 2.8.1 components.

    First the game doesn’t start. The timer spawnBaloon (sic) does not start automatically, you need to add running: true.

    Second, there is no audio on ios 7.1.1 or 8.2.1 (audio is fine on mac 10.9.5 and android 4.1).

    I tried using SoundEffectVPlay in a Vplay Apps environment, but it requires the Vplay Game environment. I tried using SoundEffect and Audio in a Vplay Apps environment, and this works fine for mac and android but there no audio in ios. How do I get working audio in an ios Vplay app?



    Felgo Team

    Hi Per!

    I suppose the onSplashScreenFinished signal (Main.qml of BalloonPop) is not fired correctly.
    You can safely replace it with Component.onCompleted and it should work again. (With the indie plan you don’t have a splash screen anyways, so there’s no difference)

    As for audio:
    You can also access the Felgo Game components with an App by adding import Felgo 2.0 in your QML. Playing audio should work fine on iOS with the components you mentioned, can you check if maybe the hardware mute-switch is activated?


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