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OverviewFelgo 1 Support › Binding loop detected for property …

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  • #6640


    Dear Felgoteam,


    I implemented a Dog-entity, which is moving via KI by using PathMovement for a game and it worked (mostly) correct.

    But since we integrated it into the main project, which contains all the other entities and game logic it isn’t working anymore at all.


    Here are the errors which occur constantly in a loop:

    file:///C:/VPlayWorkspace/Try03/qml/entities/Dog.qml:51:5: QML PathMovement: Binding loop detected for property “waypoints”

    file:///C:/VPlayWorkspace/Try03/qml/levels/Level1.qml:14:5: QML Dog: Binding loop detected for property “actualPosX”


    The first error refers to the PathMovement of the Dog-Entity and the second error refers to this line of the code: Dog { id: dog; row: 0; column: 0;}  in Level1.qml.


    But I have no idea, where the binding loop could actually be comming into beginning.

    Here is the code of the relevant entities:


    Dog.qml (Code worked in a different project)

    import QtQuick 1.1
    import VPlay 1.0
    EntityBaseDraggable {
        id: dog1
        entityType: "dog"
        property real gridSize: gameScene.fieldsize
        x: column * gridSize + gridSize/2
        y: row * gridSize + gridSize/2
        width: gridSize
        height: gridSize
        property int column
        property int row    
        property int randomNumber
        property bool upWay;
        property bool rightWay;
        property bool downWay;
        property bool leftWay;
        property int xPoint: 1
        property int yPoint: 0
        property int actualPosX: column * gridSize
        property int actualPosY: row * gridSize
        property bool done: false
        property int wayCame: 0
        // these properties must be set for EntityBaseDraggable
        selectionMouseArea.anchors.fill: dogImg
        selectionMouseArea.onPressAndHold: removeEntity()
        MultiResolutionImage {
            id: dogImg
            width: parent.width
            height: parent.height
            rotation: 90
            source: "../img/dog/dog1_straighttail-hd.png"
            x: -gridSize/2
            y: -gridSize/2
        BoxCollider {
            id: collider
            width: parent.width
            height: parent.height
            bodyType: Body.Static
            x: -gridSize/2
            y: -gridSize/2
        PathMovement {
            velocity: 100
            rotationAnimationDuration: 200
            waypoints: [
                { x: actualPosX + gridSize/2, y: actualPosY + gridSize/2},
                { x: xPoint*gridSize + gridSize/2, y: yPoint*gridSize + gridSize/2}
            onWaypointReached: {
                column = xPoint
                row = yPoint
                console.debug("DEBUG: xPoint: " + xPoint + " yPoint: " + yPoint)
            onPathCompleted: {
        function chooseDirection() {
            leftWay = true
            rightWay = true
            upWay = true
            downWay = true
            // checking for border
            if (column === 0) {
                leftWay = false
                console.debug("DEBUG: Border is left")
            if (column === 12) {
                rightWay = false
                console.debug("DEBUG: Border is right")
            if (row === 0) {
                upWay = false
                console.debug("DEBUG: Border is up")
            if (row === 8) {
                downWay = false
                console.debug("DEBUG: Border is down")
            // checking for border of joystick
            if ((row > 5) && (column === 9)) {
                rightWay = false
                console.debug("DEBUG: Border is right - joystick")
            if ((row === 5) && (column > 9)) {
                downWay = false
                console.debug("DEBUG: Border is down - joystick")
            // checking which way the dog came and blocking it
            switch (wayCame) {
                case 1:     // came from up
                    upWay = false
                    console.debug("DEBUG: Way came is up")
                case 2:     // came from right
                    rightWay = false
                    console.debug("DEBUG: Way came is right")
                case 3:     // came from down
                    downWay = false
                    console.debug("DEBUG: Way came is down")
                case 4:     // came from left
                    leftWay = false
                    console.debug("DEBUG: Way came is left")
            // checking for tree (wall)
            var selectedBody
            var entity
            selectedBody = physicsWorld.bodyAt(Qt.point((xPoint-1)*gridSize + gridSize/2, yPoint*gridSize + gridSize/2))
            console.debug("DEBUG: checked position for wall - xPoint: " + (xPoint-1) + " yPoint: " + yPoint)
            if (selectedBody) {
                entity = selectedBody.parent.parent//.parent.parent
                console.debug("DEBUG: There is a entity at the dog's LEFT and it's a " + entity.entityType)
                if (entity.entityType === "wall") {
                    leftWay = false
                    console.debug("DEBUG: There is a tree at the dog's LEFT")
            selectedBody = physicsWorld.bodyAt(Qt.point((xPoint+1)*gridSize + gridSize/2, yPoint*gridSize + gridSize/2))
            console.debug("DEBUG: checked position for wall - xPoint: " + (xPoint+1) + " yPoint: " + yPoint)
            if (selectedBody) {
                entity = selectedBody.parent.parent//.parent.parent
                console.debug("DEBUG: There is a entity at the dog's RIGHT and it's a " + entity.entityType)
                if (entity.entityType === "wall") {
                    rightWay = false
                    console.debug("DEBUG: There is a tree at the dog's RIGHT")
            selectedBody = physicsWorld.bodyAt(Qt.point(xPoint*gridSize + gridSize/2, (yPoint-1)*gridSize + gridSize/2))
            console.debug("DEBUG: checked position for wall - xPoint: " + xPoint + " yPoint: " + (yPoint-1))
            if (selectedBody) {
                entity = selectedBody.parent.parent//.parent.parent
                console.debug("DEBUG: There is a entity at the dog's UP and it's a " + entity.entityType)
                if (entity.entityType === "wall") {
                    upWay = false
                    console.debug("DEBUG: There is a tree at the dog's UP")
            selectedBody = physicsWorld.bodyAt(Qt.point(xPoint*gridSize + gridSize/2, (yPoint+1)*gridSize + gridSize/2))
            console.debug("DEBUG: checked position for wall - xPoint: " + xPoint + " yPoint: " + (yPoint+1))
            if (selectedBody) {
                entity = selectedBody.parent.parent//.parent.parent
                console.debug("DEBUG: There is a entity at the dog's DOWN and it's a " + entity.entityType)
                if (entity.entityType === "wall") {
                    downWay = false
                    console.debug("DEBUG: There is a tree at the dog's DOWN")
            // freeing the direction the dog came from if it's the only way left to go
            if (!upWay && !rightWay && !downWay && !leftWay) {
                switch (wayCame) {
                    case 1:     // came from up
                        upWay = true
                        console.debug("DEBUG: freeing the way up")
                    case 2:     // came from right
                        rightWay = true
                        console.debug("DEBUG: freeing the way right")
                    case 3:     // came from down
                        downWay = true
                        console.debug("DEBUG: freeing the way down")
                    case 4:     // came from left
                        leftWay = true
                        console.debug("DEBUG: freeing the way left")
        function move() {
            while (done === false) {
                randomNumber = utils.generateRandomValueBetween(1, 4)
                console.debug("Random number created: " + randomNumber)
                switch (randomNumber) {
                    case 1:     // go up
                        if (upWay) {
                            wayCame = 3 // is comming from down the next field
                            done = true
                    case 2:     // go right
                        if (rightWay) {
                            wayCame = 4 // is comming from left the next field
                            done = true
                    case 3:     // go down
                        if (downWay) {
                            wayCame = 1 // is comming from up the next field
                            done = true
                    case 4:     // go left
                        if (leftWay) {
                            wayCame = 2 // is comming from right the next field
                            done = true
            done = false



    import QtQuick 1.1
    import VPlay 1.0
    import "../entities"
    Item {
        id: level1
        property string levelName: "Level1"
        property alias startfield: startfield
        property alias fox: fox
        property int pawPrintSum: 11
        property int wallSum: 14
        property alias dog: dog
        Dog { id: dog; row: 0; column: 0;}
        Fox { id: fox; row: startfield.row; column: startfield.column }
        Startfield { id: startfield; row: 6; column: 6 }
        Wall { row: 1; column: 1 }
        Wall { row: 2; column: 1 }
        Wall { row: 5; column: 1 }
        Wall { row: 1; column: 2 }
        Wall { row: 5; column: 2 }
        Wall { row: 6; column: 2 }
        Wall { row: 1; column: 3 }
        Wall { row: 3; column: 3 }
        Wall { row: 6; column: 3 }
        Wall { row: 7; column: 3 }
        Wall { row: 2; column: 4 }
        Wall { row: 3; column: 4 }
        Wall { row: 6; column: 4 }
        Wall { row: 7; column: 4 }
        Way { row: 6; column: 1 }
        Way { row: 7; column: 1 }
        Way { row: 8; column: 1 }
        Way { row: 2; column: 2 }
        Way { row: 3; column: 2 }
        Way { row: 4; column: 2 }
        Way { row: 8; column: 2 }
        Way { row: 5; column: 3 }
        Way { row: 8; column: 3 }
        Way { row: 1; column: 4 }
        Way { row: 1; column: 5 }


    and the GameScene.qml, where the level is loaded:

    import VPlay 1.0
    import QtQuick 1.1
    import "entities"
    SceneBase {
        height: 640
        width: height/9*13
        anchors.centerIn : window.center
        focus: true
        Keys.forwardTo: twoAxisController
        property int fieldsize: gameScene.height/9 //gridSize
        property int wallsize: fieldsize/20
        // the name of the current level gets stored here
        property string activeLevelString
        // the current level gets stored here
        property variant activeLevel
        property int respawnColumn
        property int respawnRow
        property int pawPrintSum
        property int wallSum
        property variant fox
        property variant dog
        property alias controller: controller
        BackgroundImage {
            source: "img/forestground.png"
            anchors.fill: parent
        EntityBase {
            TwoAxisController {
                id: twoAxisController
    //        BoxCollider {
    //            width: 60
    //            height: 40
    //            force: Qt.point(twoAxisController.yAxis*8000, 0)
    //            torque: twoAxisController.xAxis*2000
    //        }
        PhysicsWorld {
            gravity.x: 0
            gravity.y: 0
    //    Dog {
    //        column: 5
    //        row: 3
    //        xPoint: 6
    //        yPoint: 3
    //    }
        Border {
            // bottom wall
            height: fieldsize
            y: gameScene.height
            anchors.left: gameScene.left
            anchors.right: gameScene.right
        Border {
            // left wall
            x: -fieldsize
            width: fieldsize
            height: gameScene.height
        Border {
            // right wall
            x: gameScene.width
            width: fieldsize
            height: gameScene.height
        Border {
            // top wall
            y: -fieldsize
            height: fieldsize
            width: gameScene.width
        Border {
            // joystick top wall
            height: fieldsize
            width: fieldsize * 3
            x: fieldsize * 10
            y: fieldsize * 6
        Border {
            // joystick left wall
            width: fieldsize
            height: fieldsize * 3
            x: fieldsize * 10
            y: fieldsize * 6
        JoystickControllerHUD {
            id: controller
            anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
            anchors.right: parent.right
            width: gameScene.height/3; height: gameScene.height/3
            joystickRadius: gameScene.height/7
            z: 1
            // do not show the HUD when in release build on desktop
            visible: !(!system.debugBuild && system.desktopPlatform)
            source: "img/joystick_background.png"
            thumbSource: "img/joystick_thumb.png"
            onControllerXPositionChanged: { }
            onControllerYPositionChanged: { }
        // state: "levelEditing" enables dragging and clicking of obstacles
        // change the state in the next line to start in levelEditing mode:
        state: "playing" //state: "levelEditing"
        onStateChanged: {
            if(state === "levelEditing") {
        function stopGame() { //needs to be modified in actual game ^^
            // remove all entities of type "tree", but not the walls
        LevelEditor {
            id: levelEditor
            toRemoveEntityTypes: [ "wall" ]
            toStoreEntityTypes: [ "wall" ]
        Column {
            anchors.right: parent.right
            spacing: 5
            SimpleButton {
                text: gameScene.state === "playing" ? "Level Mode" : "Game Mode"
                onClicked: {
                    if (text === "Level Mode") {
                        gameScene.state = "levelEditing"
                    } else {
                        gameScene.state = "playing"
                anchors.right: parent.right
            BuildEntityButton {
                visible: gameScene.state === "levelEditing"
                toCreateEntityType: "entities/Wall.qml"
                width: 50
                height: 50
                anchors.right: parent.right
                // the obstacle is just a grey entity, we can customize the look of the button here
                Rectangle {
                    color: "purple"
                    anchors.fill: parent
        // load levels at runtime
        Loader {
            id: loader
            source: "levels/" + gameScene.activeLevelString + ".qml"
            onLoaded: {
                // do not forget to call loadItemWithCocos or the item might not be displayed!
                activeLevel = item
                item.width = gameScene.width
                item.height = gameScene.height
                respawnColumn = activeLevel.startfield.column
                respawnRow = activeLevel.startfield.row
                pawPrintSum = activeLevel.pawPrintSum
                wallSum = activeLevel.wallSum
                fox = activeLevel.fox
                dog = activeLevel.dog
        function findCorrectImagesWayWall() {
            var array = entityManager.getEntityArrayByType("way")
            var i
            for (i = 0; i < pawPrintSum; i++) {
            array = entityManager.getEntityArrayByType("wall")
            for (i = 0; i < wallSum; i++) {
        // set the name of the current level, this will cause the Loader to load the corresponding level
        function setLevel(level) {
            activeLevelString = level
        function countPawPrint() {
    //        console.debug(pawPrintSum)


    I hope you can help me with my issue and I thank you in advance for a quick response (it’s an urgent matter).

    Best regards,



    I forgot to add the Wall.qml

    <code class="language-qml">import QtQuick 1.1
    import VPlay 1.0
    import Box2D 1.0 // for accessing the Body.Static type
    EntityBaseDraggable {
        id: wall1
        entityType: "wall"
        property real gridSize: gameScene.fieldsize
        width: gridSize
        height: gridSize
        x: column * gridSize
        y: row * gridSize
        z: 0
        property int column
        property int row
        signal findImages
        // the default not allowed to build rectangle has its position at x:-width/2 and y:-height/2
        notAllowedRectangle.x: 0
        notAllowedRectangle.y: 0
        // this is used internally (it was initially added for our squaby demo game) so the towers cannot be built at the edges of the level, however that is just what you want, so set this internal value to 0
        __towerSizeInGridsHalf: 0
        selectionMouseArea.anchors.fill: wall1
        selectionMouseArea.onPressAndHold: removeEntity()//onEntityPressAndHold: removeEntity()
        MultiResolutionImage {
            id: wallImage
            state: "noContact"
            anchors.fill: parent
            rotation: 0
            transformOrigin: Item.Center // nur das Bild rotiert
            states: [
                State {
                    name: "noContact"
                    PropertyChanges {
                        target: wallImage;
                        source: "../img/wall/wall_nocontact-sd.png"
                State {
                    name: "oneContact"
                    PropertyChanges {
                        target: wallImage;
                        source: "../img/wall/wall_onecontact-sd.png"
                State {
                    name: "twoContact"
                    PropertyChanges {
                        target: wallImage;
                        source: "../img/wall/wall_twocontact-sd.png"
                State {
                    name: "threeContact"
                    PropertyChanges {
                        target: wallImage;
                        source: "../img/wall/wall_threecontact-sd.png"
                State {
                    name: "fourContact"
                    PropertyChanges {
                        target: wallImage;
                        source: "../img/wall/wall_fourcontact-sd.png"
        BoxCollider {
            anchors.centerIn: parent
            height: parent.height * 0.9
            width: parent.width * 0.9
            bodyType: Body.Static
            collisionTestingOnlyMode: true



    Felgo Team


    there is still to much of your code missing for me to get a running example to find your error. Could you send your whole project to support@felgo.com or a runnable cut down version of it that contains the error?




    Dear Alex,
    I have sent the whole project, which is containing the code to the stated e-mail-address.

    Best regards and thanks for your help,



    Is there anything we can do about it?
    We have hardly any time left to complete the project.



    Sorry I haven’t checked my mails

    Best regards,



    <div>Dear Alex,
    thanks for your great help. The dog is moving like it should (and I’m so relieved, I can’t describe it ^^).</div>
    <div>I just have some additional questions:</div>
    <div>If I want to stop the dog do I just have to call moveHorizontal.stop() and moveVertical.stop()?</div>
    <div>If I want to start it again will it be started at the same position where it stopped before with moveHorizontal.start() moveVertical.start()?</div>
    <div>Where can I increase the speed of the dog?</div>
    <div>Again thanks for your great help.</div>
    <div>Best regards,



    How is it possible to check if an entity is collided with the dog?

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