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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Button at the right top

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  • #12140


    Hi, I want to add a pause/play button at the right top corner with margin 10 10. Now, I use a rectangle with a button inside it. Can I make that rectangle transparent or is there any other way to implement it?

    Help me please.



    I used color:”transparent” and it solved :3


    Felgo Team


    Glad you already solved that on your own. Just for reference, here are some more possibilities:

    1. Every visual QML item has some margin properties, so you can add that margin with:

    Button {
      anchors.top: parent.top
      anchors.right: parent.right
      anchors.topMargin: 10
      anchors.rightMargin: 10

    2. You can also wrap you button in a more generic component named Item, this way you don’t have to set the color of your Rectangle component and it saves a little bit of performance.

    3. You can still use absolute positioning (calculating the x value of your button from the parent’s width and the button’s width), i however don’t recommend that one.





    Thanks… I recoded with your first solution… It will be better…

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