I used same basic project Todo for learning but when i changed the url to get my documents
I always get the cache undefined
How do i tell storage that this time you are not getting Todo list rather Docs List will be used.
Or please just explain what other than storage should be changed in Todo project when url is changed.
here is the connections from DataModel
Connections {
id: logicConnection
// action 1 - fetchTodos
onFetchTodos: {
// check cached value first
///YIB fucking code
//var cached = cache.getValue("docs")
var cached = cache.getValue("docs")
_.todos = cached
// load from api
function(data) {
// cache data before updating model property
/// YIB
_.todos = data
function(error) {
// action failed if no cached data
documentation does not explain that or if it does i could not find the detail So please consider this support the last place for help.
waiting days for answer is certainly not right selection of software.