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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Can not compile desktop project on Windows

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  • #21674

    Romain VINCENT


    I can not run/compile any project with Felgo Desktop. However it works in Live Run mode


    C:\Felgo\Felgo\mingw_32\lib\libFelgo.a(system.o):system.cpp:(.text+0x3dd): undefined reference to `_imp____acrt_iob_func'
    C:\Felgo\Felgo\mingw_32\lib\libFelgo.a(system.o):system.cpp:(.text+0x46e): undefined reference to `_imp____acrt_iob_func'
    C:\Felgo\Felgo\mingw_32\lib\libFelgo.a(system.o):system.cpp:(.text+0x4b8): undefined reference to `_imp____acrt_iob_func'
    C:\Felgo\Felgo\mingw_32\lib\libFelgo.a(b2Settings.o):b2Settings.cpp:(.text+0x31): undefined reference to `_imp____acrt_iob_func'
    collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
    mingw32-make[1]: *** [release/test.exe] Error 1
    mingw32-make: *** [release] Error 2



    Felgo Team

    Hi Romain,

    this was also asked in the following thread recently: https://felgo.com/developers/forums/t/installation-error-qmake

    Let me sum it up here for you. There are 2 potential solutions that you can try:

    1. Delete the shadow build folder of your project. You can find the location of the shadow build folder of your active project in the “Projects” tab of Qt creator. After that, performs a clean and qmake, before building your project.
    2. If 1. does not solve the issue, close Qt Creator and delete the Qt Creator kit profile. You can find it in your AppData (e.g. C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\QtProject\qtcreator\profiles.xml). Note that AppData is a hidden folder that you might need to display first. Then you can re-open Qt Creator. To be sure, you can again delete the shadow build folder as explained in 1. and perform a clean build.

    The reference errors can come from the build caching or Qt Creator kit caching, which should be solved with the steps above.

    Let me know if that helps.



    Romain VINCENT

    Yeah I’ve deleted profiles.xml and now it works!

    Thanks !

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