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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Change of Activity name in AndroidManifest net.vplay.helper.VPlayActivity

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  • #21616


    Hi Felgo,

    Just question to be sure. I have application and service running and if I want to bring up main Activity by clicking on Service from top task bar I needed to change Activity name in AndroidManifest from net.vplay.helper.VPlayActivity to company.myapp.MainActivity

    Is this name somehow important for and application to run properly? I was worried about notifications but it works.





    Felgo Team


    The Android VPlayActivity includes some hooks that Felgo requires, and extends QtActivity, which does the same for Qt. Thus, if you require to specify an own Activity with custom additions, please derive your Main Activity (company.myapp.MainActivity) from net.vplay.helper.VPlayActivity.

    Everything should work fine then from Felgo side.

    Günther from Felgo

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