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OverviewFelgo Plugins Support › Chartboost is broken in 2.9.2?


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  • #15309


    Hi Felgo team,

    After upgrade to Felgo 2.9.2, Android Chartboost doesn’t work at all.
    Didn’t have opportunity to test iOS yet.
    Any call to  cacheRewardedVideo or cacheInterstitial on chartboost object causes:
    QMetaMethod::invoke: Unable to handle unregistered datatype 'ChartboostItem::Location
    Of course it is a game over to any Chartboost adverts working.
    I didn’t see anything in the changelog related to Chartboost so I don’t know how this could happen, but it was working in 2.9.1.
    Please check if it’s on your side or my code, but I don’t see how my code could cause this.

    Best regards,


    Felgo Team

    Hi Marcin,

    Are you using the enumeration type or a string type for the location parameter, if any?





    Hi Alex,
    Thank you for fast answer.
    I use the enums, so cacheRewardedVideo(Chartboost::GameOverLocation) etc.
    It is just an example and I probably got it wrong(typos), but I am sure it’s clear how I use it.

    I also tried without any parameters, so it should use default location, still the same.
    I commented out all of my signal listener(like onRewardedVideoCached etc) which were using variables from signals, like location and locationType and is still the same.
    Based on mu debugging it never goes to any signal handlers, just the first call causes the issue.

    Best regards,


    Felgo Team

    Thanks for explanation! Pretty sure this error came from some recent changes in our SDK and not your code, as we had a similar issue on some devices some time ago. I will check that now and give you an update asap.





    Hi Alex,
    Unfortunately didn’t help.
    I tried even a completely empty project(Felgo games template, first template from the list).
    Generated key with only Chartboost and added very basic Chartboost support: api keys and one call to cache methods, nothing else.
    Whenever I try chartboost.cacheRewardedVideo() or  chartboost.cacheInterstitial() getting:

    W/ChartboostTest(18930): (null):0 ((null)): 
    QMetaMethod::invoke: Unable to handle unregistered datatype 'ChartboostItem::Location'


    `It happens for both my Samsung S3 and Samsung S6.

    Best regards,


    Felgo Team

    Hi Marcin,

    I just tested another clean install and again had no issues on our test devices. I attached the code sample to the end of this post.

    Can you please confirm that you installed all Felgo updates with the MaintenanceTool?

    If yes, there is a file called components.xml in the root directory of your installation. Can you please open that one with a text editor and confirm that there is an XML block like the following (it’s Android armv7, the version is important here):

            <Title>Felgo Engine for android_armv7</Title>
            <Description>Installs Felgo for android_armv7 compiler</Description>

    Can you please also make sure to remove the shadow build directory and uninstall the test app from your device before giving it another try?

    Also, can you please let me know which Android versions you are using on your Samsung Galaxy S3 and S6?

    Hope we get that fixed soon!

    Many thanks,


    ps: Here is the code I just tested (using the default empty app wizard), this gives me the expected log output “Main.qml:21 (onInterstitialCached): qml: Interstitial cached Default”:

    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtQuick 2.0
    import Felgo 3.0
    App {
      licenseKey: "<license-key>"
      Component.onCompleted: {
        system.logOutputEnabled = true
      Chartboost {
        id: chartboost
        appId: "<app-id>"
        appSignature: "<signature>"
        shouldRequestInterstitialsInFirstSession: true
        onInterstitialCached: {
          console.debug("Interstitial cached", location)
        onInterstitialFailedToLoad: {
          console.debug("Interstitial failed to load:", location, error)
      NavigationStack {
        Page {
          title: qsTr("Main Page")
          Image {
            source: "../assets/vplay-logo.png"
            anchors.centerIn: parent
            MouseArea {
              anchors.fill: parent
              onClicked: {
                console.debug("Cache inter for lib:", system.vplayVersion)




    Hi Alex,
    After many tries, still no luck 🙂
    I have the right things in component.xml(but the size I see is a little different from the one you showed in the example, not sure if this matters).
    I tried empty shadow build directories, re-download android libraries, trying new apps, trying the example you gave me – still the  same exact issue.

    Then I decided I will try to re-download the whole Felgo.
    So I did.
    But, I can not log in to v-play using this new instance.
    My old installation, which I still keep, didn’t use this new “Login” tab inside QtCreator to log in.
    Using the new, freshly installed, I am on the first screen right after I started QtCreator.
    It is asking to log in.
    But I can not.
    I even reset my password, just in case, still no go.
    I use the same password on website and I can log in no problem.
    So, maybe, I did have issues with downloading, like I have now issues with logging in using newer installer on first QtCreator screen.
    Maybe it is related.
    To summarize: I can not log in at the moment 🙂
    I can still use my account but using older instance of Felgo.


    Samsung S6, Android 6.0.1
    Samsung S3 Android 4.1.2


    PS. I used to see many SSL error/warning in the logs while deploying/starting my apps, but I am not sure if it is related.




    Small update, this is my log from starting newer QtCreator:

    qt.network.ssl: QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv2_client_method
    qt.network.ssl: QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv2_server_method
    in initialize
    libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
    libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
    qrc:/qml/SupportPage.qml:6:17: Unable to assign QQuickWidget to QQuickItem
    libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
    QObject::connect: No such signal Core::ModeManager::currentModeChanged(Core::IMode*,Core::IMode*)
    libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
    addOverrideAction /Switch to <b>Docs</b> mode: Action /Switch to <b>Help</b> mode is already registered for context Global Context.
    SOFT ASSERT: "!d->m_needsSetup" in file /work/build/qt-creator/src/plugins/coreplugin/helpmanager.cpp, line 248

    Maybe it can help.



    Hi Marcin,

    In your new Felgo directory, where you can’t log in, can you check if there is a Felgo subfolder, which contains two files? (vplay_license.config and vplay_license.key)
    If so, you can try to delete the subfolder and then try to log in again.

    Otherwise, you can also just copy the Felgo subfolder from your working installation over to the new installation, you should then be logged in automatically.

    As soon as you managed to log into your new Qt Creator, please try again if Chartboost still doesn’t work for you!





    Hi Alex and Lorenz,
    One issue resolved, I was able to update my current version of V-play and also was able to use the newer thanks to the hints with licenses.
    Unfortunately 🙂 after that more issues.

    In both instances I am not able to build any of the projects using Android v7 Qt kit(automatically detected).
    It looks like for this Qt kit Qt can’t find libraries for Vplay application and VPlay plugins.
    Tried with empty shadow directory, new apps etc.
    During build:

    ../ChartboostTest/main.cpp:1:24: fatal error: QApplication: No such file or directory
     #include <QApplication>
    compilation terminated.

    Of course because of this issue the application itself doesn’t work, getting Java exception  that it can’t find Felgo libraries.

    QtCreator is showing this issue on import statement in the code itself, if I use Android Qt kit for compilation, desktop Qt kit is fine.
    Just before I updated my old version to newest Felgo libraries I was able to build the apps.
    Now I can’t build any Android app.
    Any hints, some things I need to add to some pro file to include Felgo libraries?



    Felgo Team

    Hi Marcin,

    Sorry for all that confusion, there should be another incremental update available in MaintenanceTool which finally solves the issue for your current installation state. Please install that update and let us know!





    Hi Alex an Lorenz,
    I spent some time to test few applications and … all works 🙂
    Thank you very much for all the help and patience.


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