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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › closing app without connection to net

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  • #23154


    Hi Felgo

    I have noticed that when I don’t have any network connection (no wifi, no SIM card) it takes over a minute for an Android app to close, in that time GUI is frozen, but I can see in log that application is working, there are logs generated when I touch the screen.

    At the beginning I thought it might be Onesignal plugin fault because I can see some logs during shutdown, however, I have commented it out from qml file, and removed from build.graddle, also deleted whole build directory – no change

    Is this something known, or should I dig deeper in my application ?

    I have tested on Galaxy A50 with Android 9 with Qt 5.12.5 and Felgo from Qt Marketplace

    Log from shutdown below, it starts by my saving some cache files, main activity is called GpsActivity




    D myapp: qml: Main.qml saveCache
    D myapp: Helper::saveToDisk saved to: "/data/data/mycompany.myapp/files/cache/xml/object_cache.xml"
    D myapp: Helper::saveToDisk saved to: "/data/data/mycompany.myapp/files/cache/xml/route_cache.xml"
    D myapp: Helper::saveToDisk saved to: "/data/data/mycompany.myapp/files/cache/xml/activity_cache.xml"
    D myapp: Helper::saveToDisk saved to: "/data/data/mycompany.myapp/files/cache/xml/property_cache.xml"
    D myapp: Helper::saveToDisk saved to: "/data/data/mycompany.myapp/files/cache/xml/chat_cache.xml"
    D myapp: Helper::saveToDisk saved to: "/data/data/mycompany.myapp/files/cache/xml/user_cache.xml"
    D myapp: Helper::saveToDisk saved to: "/data/data/mycompany.myapp/files/cache/xml/notify_cache.xml"
    D myapp: Helper::saveToDisk saved to: "/data/data/mycompany.myapp/files/cache/xml/entry_cache.xml"
    D myapp: Helper::saveToDisk saved to: "/data/data/mycompany.myapp/files/cache/xml/work_type_cache.xml"
    W myapp: QQmlVMEMetaObject: Internal error - attempted to evaluate a function in an invalid context
    D ViewRootImpl@e39e1c9[GpsActivity]: ViewPostIme key 1
    W libEGL  : EGLNativeWindowType 0xd11db008 disconnect failed
    D QtPositioning: Stopping updates
    D QtPositioning: Stopping updates
    D QtPositioning: Stopping updates
    (about 10 seconds lag)
    D OneSignal: Starting request to get Android parameters.
    D OneSignal: OneSignalRestClient: Making request to: https://onesignal.com/api/v1/apps/f3ae1062-02c2-4a5f-a569-573ae8ec3766/android_params.js
    I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
    I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
    (about a minute lag)
    I OneSignal: OneSignalRestClient: Could not send last request, device is offline. Throwable: java.net.UnknownHostException
    I OneSignal: Failed to get Android parameters, trying again in 50 seconds.
    (about 10 seconds lag)
    W myapp: exit app 0
    D OneSignal: curActivity is NOW: null
    D ViewRootImpl@e39e1c9[GpsActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 1
    D InputMethodManager: prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@7465102[GpsActivity]
    D InputMethodManager: getNavigationBarColor() -855310
    D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed: fd=68
    D SurfaceView: onWindowVisibilityChanged(8) false org.qtproject.qt5.android.QtSurface{c81cf39 V.E...... ........ 0,0-1080,2214 #1} of ViewRootImpl@e39e1c9[GpsActivity]
    D SurfaceView: hide() Surface(name=SurfaceView - mycompany.myapp/mycompany.myapp.GpsActivity@c81cf39@0[5277])/@0xf7ec97e false true org.qtproject.qt5.android.QtSurface{c81cf39 V.E...... ........ 0,0-1080,2214 #1}
    D SurfaceView: surfaceDestroyed callback.size 1 #2 org.qtproject.qt5.android.QtSurface{c81cf39 V.E...... ........ 0,0-1080,2214 #1}
    D SurfaceView: destroy() Surface(name=SurfaceView - mycompany.myapp/mycompany.myapp.GpsActivity@c81cf39@0[5277])/@0xf7ec97e org.qtproject.qt5.android.QtSurface{c81cf39 V.E...... ........ 0,0-1080,2214 #1}
    W libEGL  : EGLNativeWindowType 0xd11da808 disconnect failed
    D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0xe7f05360, 0xd11da800
    D ViewRootImpl@e39e1c9[GpsActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2340] new=[0,0][1080,2340] result=0x5 surface={false 0} changed=true
    D ViewRootImpl@e39e1c9[GpsActivity]: stopped(true) old=false
    D SurfaceView: windowStopped(true) false org.qtproject.qt5.android.QtSurface{c81cf39 V.E...... ........ 0,0-1080,2214 #1} of ViewRootImpl@e39e1c9[GpsActivity]
    D OneSignal: onActivityStopped: mycompany.myapp.GpsActivity@21ac3d
    D OneSignal: curActivity is NOW: null
    D OneSignal: onActivityDestroyed: mycompany.myapp.GpsActivity@21ac3d
    D OneSignal: curActivity is NOW: null
    "mycompany.myapp" zakończył pracę.



    Felgo Team

    Hi Marek,

    it would be great if you could try to pin point the component that is responsible for this behavior. We have no other reports of this issue.




    Hi Alex

    It will take me some time, but I will do that.



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