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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Collision and property go wrong

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  • #20280

    Felgo User

    I am new to both Qt and V-play and this is my test about collision and animation (with property). Here is the code I used:

    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtQuick 2.0
    GameWindow {
      screenWidth: 960
      screenHeight: 640
      EntityManager {
        id: entityManager
        entityContainer: scene
            debugDrawVisible: true
      Scene {
        id: scene
        // the "logical size" - the scene content is auto-scaled to match the GameWindow size
        width: 480
        height: 320
        PhysicsWorld {debugDrawVisible: true} // put it anywhere in the Scene, so the collision detection between monsters and projectiles can be done
        BackgroundImage {
            source: "../assets/sky.jpg"
            MouseArea {
                anchors.fill: levelBackground
                onClicked: {
                    console.debug(mouseX, mouseY)
                    entityManager.createEntityFromComponentWithProperties(projectile, {"startY": mouseY});
            source: "../assets/hud.jpg"
        Component {
          id: airBalloon
          EntityBase {
            entityType: "balloon"
            Image {
              id: balloonImage
              source: "../assets/balloon.jpg"
            BoxCollider {
                anchors.bottom: balloonImage.bottom // make the collider as big as the image
                collisionTestingOnlyMode: true // use Box2D only for collision detection, move the entity with the NumberAnimation above
            }// BoxCollider
          }// EntityBase
        }// Component
        Component {
            id: projectile
            EntityBase {
            entityType: "projectile"
                width: 29
                height: 11
                y: 100
                Image {
                  id: arrowImage
                  source: "../assets/arrow.png"
                  width: parent.width
                  height: parent.height
                  x: -width / 2
                  y: -height / 2
                property double startX: scene.gameWindowAnchorItem.width
                property double startY
                property double goalX: -70
                property double goalY: startY
                property double speed: 3000
                BoxCollider {
                    anchors.centerIn: parent
                    width: 30
                    height: 15
                    collisionTestingOnlyMode: true // use Box2D only for collision detection, move the entity with the NumberAnimation above
                    fixture.onBeginContact: {
                        // if the collided type was a projectile, both can be destroyed and the player gets a point
                        var collidedEntity = other.getBody().target
                        console.debug("collided with entity", collidedEntity.entityType)
                        // monsters could also collide with other monsters because they have a random speed - alternatively, collider categories could be used
                        if(collidedEntity.entityType === "tower") {
                            // remove the projectile entity
                            // remove the tower
                }// BoxCollider
                ParallelAnimation {
                    running: true // all animations are started
                    NumberAnimation {
                        target: projectile
                        property: "x"
                        from: startX
                        to: goalX
                        duration: speed
                        easing.type: Easing.InCubic
                    NumberAnimation {
                        target: projectile
                        property: "y"
                        from: startY
                        to: goalY
                        duration: speed
                        easing.type: Easing.InCubic
                    NumberAnimation {
                        target: projectile
                        property: "scale"
                        to: 1.0
                        duration: speed
                        easing.type: Easing.InCubic

    The app return errors

    NumberAnimation: Cannot animate non-existent property “x”

    NumberAnimation: Cannot animate non-existent property “y”

    NumberAnimation: Cannot animate non-existent property “scale”


    Moreover when it show the game screen, the AirBalloon was not showed and the CollisionBox is not right at the visual representation of balloon and arrow. What have I done wrongly?



    Hi ,
    From what I see you try to run animation on Component(template), not the entity inside.
    Component doesn’t have coordinates, like y,x.
    It wraps the entity and, until you instantiate(create) entity, you shouldn’t animate it’s properties.

    No airBalloon
    I can’t find a call to create AirBalloon entity from component. You create the projectile but not the AirBalloon.
    Animation issue

    Animation needs to be run(target property) on an instance, not on template(component).

    One of the options how to do it:
    – keep the animation setup inside the EntityBase you want to animate and  target property can be set to parent(I think), it will animate the entity it is in
    – if this won’t work you can also check qt behavior on

    Another option if you want to start animation later:
    – you can start that animation manually as well by creating some function inside EntityBase which can be later called after entity is created
    – to get created entity look at EntityManager and methods like getl ast entity or get entity by id


    Your Best friend

    Hope this helps.


    Felgo User

    Thank Marcin for fast answering. Now I can fix it with just add id to the EntityBase

    EntityBase {
            entityType: "projectile"
    ParallelAnimation {
        running: true // all animations are started
        NumberAnimation {
          target: arrow
          property: "x"
          from: startX
          to: goalX
          duration: speed
          easing.type: Easing.InCubic
        NumberAnimation {
          target: arrow
          property: "y"
          from: startY
          to: goalY
          duration: speed
          easing.type: Easing.InCubic
        NumberAnimation {
          target: arrow
          property: "scale"
          to: 1.0
          duration: speed
          easing.type: Easing.InCubic

    So now the problem with animation is solved. And it’s right that I forgot to create the AirBalloon. But the rest problem is still there. When I run the code successfully, the collision box appeared in somewhere not as expected. I thought if I put anchor like below

    BoxCollider {
                anchors.bottom: balloonImage.bottom

    and below

    BoxCollider {
                    anchors.centerIn: parent

    the collision box will appear at the bottom of the air balloon and cover the whole arrow. But it turn out like the image below:

    collision box

    Is it the right behavior of BoxCollider?


    Felgo User

    One more thing I recently want to ask about Number Animation.

    The current equations for velocity of the arrow are

    Sx = Vx*t

    Sy = Vy* t

    But what if I want to applied an acceleration(gravity) to Vy like

    Sy = Vy*t -(A*t^2) / 2

    Thanks for reading.


    Felgo User

    Hello, anybody please help. I want to make the arrow above fly front (startX, startY) to (goalX, goalY) but I need more realistic orbit so I need a curve orbit. But I cannot look for a solution to make it curved. The Easing type set to any type of Curve, bezierCurve, outCirce, outCurve give me nothing good as I want. Thanks for reading.

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