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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Detecting earphones

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  • #16517


    Hi All,

    I’ve scouted Qt forums for an idea of how to detect whether earphones are plugged into a device or not. I didn’t find any clues on it.

    Does anyone have any clues on if this is possible?

    Many thanks!


    Felgo Team

    Hi Kool!

    As I think there is no ready-made cross-platform solution by Qt for doing this, the only way is to directly use native Android code (Java) to detect the Headphone state.

    For example with a solution as described here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6249023/detecting-whether-a-headset-is-plugged-into-an-android-device-or-not (you can also look for other other solutions, frameworks, … )

    To integrate native Java code with your Felgo application (QML) it is required to go through Qt C++, which allows to use JNI (Java Native Interface) to run native Java code. For more information, please see Integrating C++ and QML and the Android Extras / JNI features.

    We can help with implementing this feature with the purchase of a Support Package to cover the required development hours. Just contact us via email at support@felgo.com if you’re interested in an offer.

    Günther from Felgo

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