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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Error when trying to build with felgo cloud

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  • #22129




    When I try to build an app with Felgo Cloud I have an error and i’m unable to handle it. Here is the error text…

    Please can someone help me?


    ##   Clone project repository
    - Clone Git repository 
        - Extract SSH key
          Successfully extracted SSH key.
        - Clone via SSH
        - Clone repository
        - Load branch master
    Finished in 00h 00m 01s
    ##   Build & Sign project
    - Working in temporary Felgo CI directory
      - General options
        - Verbose output...NO
        - Jobs...5
      - Compiler options
        - Selected compiler(s)...android_armv7,android_arm64_v8a
        - Selected Qt Version...5.12.3
        - Download Qt compiler...YES (overrides --qt-sdk-root)
      - Project configuration options
        - Project file (*.pro) found...YES
        - Override PRODUCT_IDENTIFIER...NO
        - Override PRODUCT_VERSION_CODE...NO
        - Override PRODUCT_VERSION_NAME...NO
      - Felgo library options
        - Felgo library source...live
        - Selected Felgo version...latest
        - Felgo library branch...2
      - Android specific options
        - Sign apk after build...NO
      - Download Qt compiler 'android_armv7'
        - Qt compiler available 'macx/vplayengine.2.qt.android_armv7' v5.12.3-1
        - Download Qt compiler
        - Successfully downloaded Qt compiler
        - Prepare Qt compiler
      - Download Felgo library for android_armv7
        - Felgo library available 'macx/vplayengine.2.android.armv7' v3.2.0-1
        - Download Felgo library
        - Successfully downloaded
      - Build project as Android app
        - Preparation
          - Setup Android NDK/SDK (android_armv7)
            - Build with NDK v19c
            - Build with Platform tools v29.0.2
          - Prepare project
        - Build
          - Build Qt project...
          - Fetching and applying Felgo License
            - Felgo License key received
              Set Felgo license key for 'com.AppliStudio.CatsPowerDeisgn.Dolphin', version code 1
        - Android app build errored
      - Download Qt compiler 'android_arm64_v8a'
        - Qt compiler available 'macx/vplayengine.2.qt.android_arm64_v8a' v5.12.3-1
        - Download Qt compiler
        - Successfully downloaded Qt compiler
        - Prepare Qt compiler
      - Download Felgo library for android_arm64_v8a
        - Felgo library available 'macx/vplayengine.2.android.arm64_v8a' v3.2.0-1
        - Download Felgo library
        - Successfully downloaded
      - Build project as Android app
        - Preparation
          - Setup Android NDK/SDK (android_arm64_v8a)
            - Build with NDK v19c
            - Build with Platform tools v29.0.2
          - Prepare project
        - Build
          - Build Qt project...
          - Fetching and applying Felgo License
            - Felgo License key received
              Set Felgo license key for 'com.AppliStudio.CatsPowerDeisgn.Dolphin', version code 2
        - Android app build errored
    Error text for error-project-sourcecode
    cp -f -R /private/var/folders/1b/gl7yt7ds26vcyr1pkgld6l040000gn/T/.felgoci20190903-13677-f6onqf/compiler/Felgo/android_armv7/mkspecs/common/felgo/FelgoLive/ /Users/distiller/project/repo/FelgoLive/
    cp: /private/var/folders/1b/gl7yt7ds26vcyr1pkgld6l040000gn/T/.felgoci20190903-13677-f6onqf/compiler/Felgo/android_armv7/mkspecs/common/felgo/FelgoLive/: No such file or directory
    make: *** [copy_liveimports] Error 1
    Error reason: error-project-sourcecode
    Errored in 00h 00m 40s

    Felgo Team


    building apps using the Live Client Module is not yet supported with Cloud Builds. We have that very far up on the roadmap though!


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