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OverviewFelgo Plugins Support › Facebook connect everytime app open


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  • #13418



    I am integrating Facebook plugin, but when i click on connct to facebook on profile tab on leaderboard the app get connected to facebook, it it do it again each time app open, is this normal?

    Facebook {
          appId: "xx"
          readPermissions: [ "email", "user_friends" ]
          publishPermissions: ["publish_actions"]
          onSessionStateChanged: {
               if (sessionState === Facebook.SessionOpened) {
                 console.debug("-----------------------------Session opened.");
                 // Session opened, you can now perform any Facebook actions with the plugin!
               else if (sessionState === Facebook.SessionOpening) {
                 console.debug("-----------------------------Session opening...");
               else if (sessionState === Facebook.SessionClosed) {
                 console.debug("-----------------------------Session closed.");
               else if (sessionState === Facebook.SessionFailed) {
                 console.debug("-----------------------------Session failed.");
               else if (sessionState === Facebook.SessionPermissionDenied) {
                 console.debug("-----------------------------User denied requested permissions.");




    • This topic was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by  maysalward.

    Felgo Team


    Yes, once connected with Facebook, the app tries to connect again automatically to access the Profile Info or post achievements.
    However, the Facebook connection seems to be not working correctly at the moment. This might be related to the new plugin system we released recently.
    We are looking into the issue!


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by  GT.


    Thats annoying for users , i think better to make it when user want to share or want to do something on facebook, and for profile info maybe better to cache it for some time on user device

    also its the same issue on old version of facebook plugin




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