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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › V-PLAY 2.6.1 / drawer Icon issue….

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  • #10892



    playing around with “Showcase” example, I get a behavior I don’t understand.

    I am working on OSX.

    From the original code, I did this change in ShowcaseMainPage.qml :

        //navigationMode: Theme.isDesktop ? navigationModeTabsAndDrawer : navigationModeDefault
        navigationMode: navigationModeDrawer


    Starting the app, click on the Drawer icon, go to a different page and then go back to widget page. The drawer Icon has disappeared. I don’t understand why ?


    Another thing: I don’t understand the purpose on this code :

        leftBarItem: navigation.drawerVisible
                     ? navigation.navDrawerButton
                     : null

    I can’t find any reference on navDrawerButton….


    Many thanks for your help.


    Best Regards.



    • This topic was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by  scooby.

    Felgo Team

    Hi Scoob,

    Yes, that seems to be a bug in the custom page that will be fixed with the next update, thanks.

    However, our recommended way of using a drawer and a content with navigation bar is to use the NavigationStack item within a Navigation item, the showcase sample should just demonstrate how to use the different widgets and might therefore be not the best example for using the app drawer.

    I would recommend to use the messaging sample as a starting point, you will instantly see that there is a lot less code involved for getting the same behavior.





    Hello Alex,

    Many thanks for your answer.

    If I find more bugs, do I have a discount ? 🙂

    Best Regards.



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