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OverviewFelgo 1 Support › Felgo – I am not able to scroll Row under @AppFlickable Object

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  • #22114




    Can anyone to help me to scroll @Row with list of buttons, right now am stuck into my code.

    I knew, this would be very silly question but am stuck into it.


    —————- MY CODE —————-

    Can you please let me know, how would i scroll to see the last button.

    It would be great, it would scroll.


    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtQuick 2.0
    import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
    Page {
        id: searchPage
        title: qsTr("Search Page")
        AppFlickable {
            id: searchPageFlickable
            anchors.fill: parent
            contentWidth: rowScroll.width
            // NEXT ROW TO SCROLL
            Row {
                id: rowScroll
                anchors.fill: parent
                AppButton {
                    text: "Ashish"
                AppButton {
                    text: "Ashish"
                AppButton {
                    text: "Ashish"
                AppButton {
                    text: "Ashish"
                AppButton {
                    text: "Ashish"
                AppButton {
                    text: "Ashish"
                AppButton {
                    text: "Ashish"
                AppButton {
                    text: "Ashish"
                AppButton {
                    text: "Ashish"
                AppButton {
                    text: "Ashish"
                AppButton {
                    text: "Ashish"



    Felgo Team
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