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OverviewAnnouncements › Felgo Roadmap

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  • #19632



    When do you plan to upgrade to Qt 5.11 ?


    Best Regards



    Felgo Team

    Hi Marek,

    we’ve already expected this question 😀 With the next release 2.18.0, estimated release is within the next 2 weeks, tests are looking good so far! Of course we cannot guarantee this 100%, if any blocking bug appears.




    Hi Alex,


    That is fast enough for me,







    Did you plan to integrate subscribtions goodies with the Store? This feature would be very useful !!





    Felgo Team

    Hi Romain,

    it’s not on the immediate roadmap, however, if you need this urgently we can add it with a support package. Just contact us here for a quote.

    Cheers, Chris



    Database bound controls, a Native ComboBox, and other App controls.


    Felgo User

    Any chance to have a MSVC2017 x64 build for Felgo?


    Barazi Ala

    Hi guys,


    Are you planning to support Python (QT for Python) in your roadmap?


    Supporting Webassembly and Python together would be like a dream come true. And it seems that the popularity of Python is still rising.





    Great job!


    Felgo User


    When do you plan to switch to Qt 6?

    Or, is there a way to mix Qt 6 and the current Felgo?

    Thank you.




    we got already QtCreator 7.0.0 and Felgo Plugin is not compatible with it at all. After few months working with Felgo with QtCreator 6.x I don’t want go back to QtC 4.11.2 as shipped with Felgo native download.

    When do you plan to fix Felgo Plugin in Qt marketPlace for working with new QtC?


    BTW in fact I can develop my Felgo applications in QtC 7 (and I do this) and only one disadvantage is missing Felgo Live Server and HotReload feature – I can live without it for while but not for ever.


    Felgo Team

    Hi Jan,

    the current Qt Marketplace versions support Qt Creator 6, so I would recommend to use those if you do not want to use Qt Creator 4.x.

    Support for Qt Creator 7 for Felgo 3.x will likely come with the next update. We are currently also preparing a Qt 6 based version of Felgo which will then also support the latest Qt Creator version.

    Regarding Felgo Live, you could also make use of it without the Felgo Qt Creator plugin. All you need to do is to start the Felgo Live Server exe (located in /Felgo/FelgoLive) from the command line, with your project path as parameter, for example:

    C:\Qt\Felgo\FelgoLive>FelgoLiveServer.exe "C:\Git\somedemoapp"




    Thanks for very useful tip.


    BTW QtCreator 6.x is no longer available to install using current MaintenanceTool. Maybe somewhere in dungeons of Qt archives is still available, but this is not trivial task.


    Miran Višner



    i updated felgo instalation to 3.10.0 and if i select plugins at creating projects then it creates all needed files but if i want to create it later or just want to add new felgo app items, pages or plugins with dialog wizard it doesn’t enable “continue” button which should create QML file/s. Workaround for me is to create normal Qt QML file and manually type in felgo components code. in previous version this worked as it should.

    Is there any other way to creating those files becouse it’s way easier then manually searching and typing it yourself when the same code is allreddy written and it just needs to be added to project to speed up developing?





    Please fix creating a new QML file, on macOS at least it’s completely broken since the last update, I need to go to finder and make it manually.

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