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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Firebase: How to "add" instead of "set".


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  • #22237



    I’m looking at using Firebase but I’m having trouble getting it to work as I would like.

    From what I understand from Google’s documentation, there are two ways to add data to the database, set() and add(). Let’s say I have the following database structure:

    users: {
       userKey: {
          c1: {
             v1: true


    and I want to add as a child of c1, {v2: true}. However, when I use setUserValue(“c”, {v2: true}), it completely recreates c1, deleting anything else that might be in there. I would rather have something like “addUserValue(“c”, {v2: true})” that would then give me:

    users: {
       userKey: {
          c1: {
             v1: true
             v2: true


    I can’t find anything in the documentation. How would I go about accomplishing this?

    Thank you,





    Using either .setValue or .setUserValue, I have come across this, try;


    setUserValue(“c/”, {v2: true})

    (note the added ‘/’), this is directing your data write down into the path, instead of just recreating it 🙂





    Hello Edward,

    Unfortunately, I’m not getting this to work. If I run:

    database.setUserValue("c/", {v2: true})
    database.setUserValue("c/", {v3: true})

    The database simply reads (note the overwriting still happens):

    users: {
       userKey: {
          c: {
             v3: true

    Does your solution work for you when run? If so, can you provide some code because I certainly can’t get it to work.

    Thank you,



    Hi Eric,


    Yes I have multiple key/value pairs which are updated/edited, i.e;


        function adminAmendNewUserHours(totalAllowance, adminAmendWeeklyHours) {
    "users" + "/" + "MYUSERNAME" + "/" + "allowances" + "/" + "2019" + "/" + "total", totalAllowance)

    In the example code of mine, the path may be quite long, but when it comes down to it, I am updating the value of “total”, with “totalAllowance” (a variable), although nested in this area, are other objects, JSON items ect – and it only effects my intended,


    If you joined the felgo stack group you can find me there and ping me maybe we can go into a bit more depth!




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