The following QML works fine in mac and android but has 2 problems in ios:
1) In iOS 9.3.3 the icons in the column are visible, but the icons in the AppListView appear as horizontal B&W lines. In mac 10.11 and android 4.4 all icons are visible.
How do I show icons from fontawesome 4.6.3 (or another custom font) in AppListView on iOS?
2) In iOS if you click a row then the app crashes; in mac and android the DetailPage correctly shows the icon, text and detailtext.
Why does iOS crash?
I am using Qt 5.6.1 and Vplay 2.8.5
Here is the MainPage.qml
import Felgo 3.0
import QtQuick 2.0
App {
NavigationStack {
MasterPage {}
Here is the MasterPage.qml
import Felgo 3.0
import QtQuick 2.0
Page {
id: masterPage
title: qsTr("Master")
FontLoader { id: fontawesome; source: "../assets/fontawesome-webfont.ttf" }
property string bluetooth: "\uf293" // not present in Vplay's older fontawesome
Column { anchors.fill: parent
AppText { text: "ICONS" }
AppText { text: IconType.envelope; }
AppText { text: IconType.calendar; }
AppText { text: IconType.paw; }
AppText { text: bluetooth; }
AppText { text: "APPLISTVIEW" }
AppListView {
id: listview
model: [{ text: "Envelope", detailText: "Fruit", icon: IconType.envelope },
{ text: "Calendar", detailText: "Fruit", icon: IconType.calendar },
{ text: "Paw", detailText: "Fruit", icon: IconType.paw }]
delegate: SimpleRow {
onSelected: {
masterPage.navigationStack.popAllExceptFirstAndPush(Qt.resolvedUrl("DetailPage.qml"), { contentText: item.text, contentDetail: item.detailText, contentIcon: item.icon })
Here is the DetailPage.qml
import Felgo 3.0
import QtQuick 2.0
Page {
id: detailPage
title: qsTr("Detail")
property alias contentText: text.text
property alias contentDetail: detail.text
property alias contentIcon: icon.text
FontLoader { id: fontawesome; source: "../assets/fontawesome-webfont.ttf" }
Column {
anchors.centerIn: parent
Text { id: icon; text: modelData.icon; color: "blue"; }
AppText { id: text; text: modelData.text }
AppText { id: detail; text: modelData.detailText; color: "gray"; font.italic: true }