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OverviewFelgo 1 Support › Full-screen GameWindow on desktop?

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  • #5449


    I wanted to look for “full screen GameWindow on desktop”, aka how to run a v-play application in fullscreen mode when compiled to desktop – but alas, there is no search function for the forum?

    I was in a bit of doubt to name this topic “how to search for content on the forum?” or (the actual) “full-screen gamewindow on desktop”…


    Search in forum content:

    Do i miss something, or is this really a missing feature?


    Full-screen desktop GameWindow:

    i understand that on mobile targets the GameWindow will scale “automatically”, but how to do that on desktop?


    Thank You!


    Felgo Team


    like coincidence wants, one of our engineers is currently working on full-screen mode on desktops platforms, it should be available with one of our next daily builds and Felgo 1.5.0.

    And sorry, you’re absolutely right, the search functionality is currently missing in our forums but it’s definitely coming the next couple of weeks too. 😉





    Thank You Alex or Your reply!

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