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OverviewFelgo 1 Support › Game Network Scores with Floating Point Values?

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  • #6660



    In my ski jumping game a game score is for example 123.45 meters. Now is it possible to let the game network display this value? By default this would be converted to 123… This is not accurate enough for my game, as many players would score the same values.


    Multiplying by 10 or 100 is also no option, because it does not look very nice and would be confusing.. Also would it be possible to display a ‘m’ after the score?

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by  hoenic07.

    Felgo Team


    you can create a custom leaderboardItemDelegate and use is instead of the default one. The easiest way would be to copy the source code of the default item and change it like you want.
    You can find the default item hereĀ <Path to your FelgoSDK>\Desktop\FelgoSDK\qml\VPlay\gamenetwork\LeaderboardItemDelegate.qml

    When you created e.g. a MyLeaderBoardItem.qml you can use it in the VPlayGameNetworkView like this:

    VPlayGameNetworkView {
      id: gameNetworkView
      leaderboardItemDelegate: MyLeaderBoardItem{}
      // ...    






    Thanks! That works perfect!

    Naturally the correct LeaderbordItemDelegate.qml is available here: <Path>\VPlay-SDK\Desktop\FelgoSDK\daily\qml\VPlay\gamenetwork\gnView


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