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OverviewFelgo 1 Support › GameNetwork: clear user data not working

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  • #6680

    Felgo User


    the property

    clearAllUserDataAtStartup: true

    wont work for me 🙁


    nothing cleared


    Felgo Team

    What would you like to clear? Highscores, achievements, WebStorage data? Keep in mind that you only clear the local data not the server data. So your server data will be synced back to the client – if you would like to clear the server data e.g. of WebStorage, call clearAll() after it is initially synced.

    Cheers, Chris


    Felgo User

    I want to clear Highscores, achievements, WebStorage data from server for one user.


    EDIT: clearAll() only deletes Webstorage.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by  phips28.

    Felgo Team

    I guess you are using the dev version of your game? I can clear all of the higshcores, achievements & WebStorage entries for your game from our backend if you like?


    Felgo User

    i fixed it on my own by using clearAll() for WebStorage, and reportRelativeScore() to set the Highscore to 0.


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