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OverviewFelgo 4 Support (Qt 6) › GameSprite use internal FelgoGames lib path (not app path)

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  • #25081


    qrc:/qml/FelgoGames/sprites/GameSprite.qml:72: QML Sprite: Cannot open: qrc:/qml/FelgoGames/sprites/bird.png
    Just try to use sprite in sequence like:

      GameSpriteSequence {
        id: bird
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        GameSprite {
          frameCount: 3
          frameRate: 10
          frameWidth: 34
          frameHeight: 24
          source: "bird.png"

    no matter what do you set in source: you’ll get qrc:/qml/FelgoGames/sprites prefix

    but in classical Image it’s work fine and search file in project dir



    Probably I should do this Qt.resolvedUrl() before set sprite, but there is no hints in docs  (but I found clue in exaples of Flappy Bird, not in tuturial, tutorial is broken too).

    It’s breaks perception when in two similar item you need to use different approach especially when elements from Qt are mixed with Felgo features.

    But maybe there is a fresh! guide somewhere

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