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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Gravity changed after updating


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  • #10669



    I am new on Felgo engine. I downloaded Felgo on monday and started some tutorials, also did my version of the Physics Tutorial (that one with the boxes falling). However, today when I logged in on the v-play website dev-area, it prompted a message saying that my Felgo engine was not updated. I updated using the Felgo SDKMaintenancetool and now the Gravity and physics of my project seems to have changed.

    Instead of  “gravity.y: -9.81” I am currently using “gravity.y: 9.81”   so the boxes can fall on the ground.
    Also, If my application is running and I shrink my gamewindow size, some weir behavior occurs… my box disappear and I get some warning messages on QT Creator console output.

    VPlayTask: the dt would have been higher than 0.1 seconds, set the cap to 0.1s to prevent unwanted effects, the dt was: 0.417

    VPlayTask: the dt would have been higher than 0.1 seconds, set the cap to 0.1s to prevent unwanted effects, the dt was: 0.318

    VPlayTask: the dt would have been higher than 0.1 seconds, set the cap to 0.1s to prevent unwanted effects, the dt was: 0.216

    Does anyone else noticed this change? How can I downgrade my Felgo version to the previous one, as it seemed more stable to me?


    • This topic was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by  CiceroDev.

    Felgo Team

    Hi Cicero,

    yes you are right, we released an update about 20 hours ago and updated to Felgo 2.6.0. The blog release will follow on Tuesday, you can already now see the changelog here.


    In the latest release, we updated to the newest Box2D version and added a lot of new functionality. Also, we improved the API from previous versions 2.5.2 and below. If you have existing Box2D code in your project, please follow the Box2D Upgrade Guide.

    Please make sure to follow the upgrade guide and if you were using one of the features that got changed, change them to the latest API. We also updated all our tutorials, Box2D examples and demo games to match the new API, so you can also have a look there. Sorry for the temp inconvenience, but in the long run the new API is better and simpler to use which led to the update.

    Cheers, Chris



    Hi Chris,

    I actually liked the fact that the gravity.y is positive, following the direction that Y axis increase its values. I just found it weird because the physics changed for previously implemented applications. I will follow the Box2D Upgrade Guide and I believe my problems will be vanished, even the one regarding the messages that I pasted on my previous comment..

    Thank you.

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