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OverviewFelgo 1 Support › Gravity in Space

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    I am currently working on a space-themed physics game. Basicly a scene consists of a spaceship (the player) and various other objects. There is no gravity in the gameworld per se but each object should have it’s own “gravitational pull” on the player.

    So my question is if there is a way to give entities a gravity property or another easy way to solve this problem with the physics engine of if i should rather use a movement vector for the spaceship and calculate it’s direction and size every frame based on the distance to each object on the screen?

    thanks in advance,



    Felgo Team


    I am not aware of any super easy solution to this. However, I prepared a small example which you maybe can take as a starting point to achieve your desired behavior.


    import VPlay 1.0
    import QtQuick 1.1
    EntityBase {
      id: player
      entityType: "player"
      width: 25
      height: 25
      Rectangle {
        width: player.width
        height: player.height
        x: -player.width/2
        y: -player.height/2
        color: "blue"
      BoxCollider {
        id: collider
        width: player.width
        height: player.height
        x: -player.width/2
        y: -player.height/2
        bodyType: Body.Static
      function getPosition() {
        return collider.body.getWorldCenter()


    import VPlay 1.0
    import QtQuick 1.1
    EntityBase {
      id: object
      entityType: "object"
      width: 4
      height: 4
      Rectangle {
        width: object.width
        height: object.height
        x: -object.width/2
        y: -object.height/2
        color: "red"
      BoxCollider {
        id: collider
        width: object.width
        height: object.height
        x: -object.width/2
        y: -object.height/2
      function getPosition() {
        return collider.body.getWorldCenter()
      function applyGravityImpuls(forward) {


    var player
    var objects = new Array
    var force
    function addObject(entityId) {
    function applyGravity() {
      for(var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
        var object = objects[i]
        var objectPosition = object.getPosition()
        var playerPosition = player.getPosition()
        // the distance could be useful if you want to apply the gravity only within a radius around the player
        var distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.abs(objectPosition.x-playerPosition.x),2)+Math.pow(Math.abs(objectPosition.y-playerPosition.y),2))
        var atanY = playerPosition.y - objectPosition.y;
        var atanX = playerPosition.x - objectPosition.x;
        var angle = Math.atan2(atanY, atanX);
        var impulseX = force*Math.cos(angle)
        var impulseY = force*Math.sin(angle)


    import VPlay 1.0
    import QtQuick 1.1
    import "GravityLogic.js" as Gravity
    GameWindow {
      EntityManager {
        id: entityManager
        entityContainer: scene
      Scene {
        id: scene
        property alias player: player
        PhysicsWorld {
          id: world
        Player {
          id: player
          x: scene.width/2
          y: scene.height/2
        Timer {
          id: gravityTimer
          interval: 100
          repeat: true
          running: false
          onTriggered: {
        Component.onCompleted: {
          Gravity.player = player
          Gravity.force = 0.5
          for(var i = 0; i <50; i++) {
            var entityId = entityManager.createEntityFromUrlWithProperties(Qt.resolvedUrl("Object.qml"),{"x":Math.random()*scene.width, "y":Math.random()*scene.height})

    Is this what you were looking for?




    Hello Alex,

    thank you very much! It helped us a lot!


    For some reason

     bodyType: Body.Static

    didn’t work the first time i tried it, but now it does.






    Hello Alex,

    as I’m currently working on a project with AKroell, we tried the code above and changed the collider type to a circleCollider, because we want to display planets on screen.

    We now have a problem with setting the bodyType to Body.Static.

    If we don’t set the bodyType the circleCollider is working, but the planets are moving around in space.

    We want to achieve, that the planets have a fixed position and don’t move.

    For solving this problem we need to set the bodyType of the circleCollider to static, but this does not work properly.


    Maybe these pictures help understanding our problem: http://imgur.com/a/SR59l


    Thanks in advance



    Felgo Team


    I’m sorry, I don’t quite understand your problem. In my demo, we have 1 player that is static and all objects move towards him. What is your exact setup?

    Is what you call a planet the same thing as the player in my demo? Do you have more then one “players” then?

    From your screenshots i can only see that the objects obviously collide with the planet in the first picture and they do not collide in the second one, but I don’t know if that is the problem you are talking about!?






    That’s what I call a planet is the same as the Player in you demo. We have multiple static planets per level.

    The problem is, that if we set the bodyType of the collider of the planet to “static”, they don’t collide with the planets.

    If we don’t set the bodyType, the objects do collide with the planets, but the planets are moving around.


    It’s quite hard to explain the problem, i hope you understand it now.





    Felgo Team

    I tried something similar without any troubles, so it is definitely possible to do, you can download the source code here. You should be able to track down your problem by comparing the code I think.

    If you have no success, feel free to send me your source to support@felgo.com and I will have a quick look if i can solve it. I fear i can’t help you out any further without the source code though.

    One thing worth mentioning: You have to be aware that large numbers of objects in combination with several planets will have a huge impact on the performance.




    Thank you very much Alex, I will compare the two today.

    We are aware of the performance issues with a lot of objects (like in the picture) we just used so many for testing purposes. In the final version there will only be one object affected be multiple planets.



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