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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › How could I create a fingerprint authentication screen on android?

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  • #22907


    The project is place at google drive. You can download and build it if you like.


    Things I have done.


    1. Follow the tutorial at here. Use the FingerprintManager to perform the authentication task.
    2. In order to make it work, I copied the layout and other xml files into the res folder, add missed property into the res/values/strings.xml
    3. Create a class finger_print_auth and create the MainActivity in QtAndroid::runOnAndroidThreadSync as shown in the pastebin.
    4. Change the android manifest from manifest package=”com.tham.wizardEVAP.Androidui” to manifest package=”com.tham” else the compiler always complain cannot find R package.
    5. Compile and run on the android mobile, then it show error message “com.tham died”

    Any suggestions to solve this issue? Any tutorials to tell us how to show the android ui(those design with Activity, xml) on Qt apps?Thanks


    Felgo Team


    Thanks for the import suggestion, I am able to find the R package after that.


    The reason it crash, I guess is due to some weird license issues of felgo(I don’t know why this happen, sometimes felgo cannot find the license etc), after I create a new project, the app do not crash again, problem is the ui of the login authentication do not shown(specified by res/layout/activity_main.xml).


    Tried to debug it(MainActivity place at pastebin) but the console do not print anything.



    By the way, I call the Activity(MainActivity.java) in an QObject child.


    like these


    finger_print_auth::finger_print_auth(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
         qInfo()<<__func__<<": initialize finger_print_auth"
             auth_ = new QAndroidJniObject("com/tham/biometric/MainActivity");
            qInfo()<<__func__<<": initialize finger_print_auth created";


    And then I call it in the Main.qml like this







    Is your function realized? I also need fingerprint recognition now, but there is no good solution,Ask how you solved it。



    Postpone now, using aws and for sign in, a replacement for fingerprint is face recognition(done), but haven’t integrated yet. face reg post a question like how to differentiate it is 2D(face in photo) or 3D face?

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