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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › How could I switch the account of Felgo without uninstall it?


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  • #23833


    I would like to log in as commercial account(it is a new account) in order to download Felgo for wasm, how could I do that?Thanks


    By the way, do your wasm version support ssl? Could I configure ssl settings QSslConfiguration?Could I access the server with “wss” protocol?



    Even uninstall cannot relogin, anyway to use felgo with different account?Thanks



    Using the wasm version of the Qt company(Qt5.15.1), wss don’t work but ws work.Do felgo support wss?


    Felgo Team


    we sent you the steps how to switch your account via email. Regarding WSS, there is no distinct SSL/TSL handling within Qt for WASM, so this will be handled by the browser and should work out of the box. Keep in mind that you need to take care of possible browser-side restrictions such as CORS and mixed content.




    Yes. my client buy the license for me with another account. Thanks

    By the way, right now I am using the QWebSocket(a webapp, hosted on github) to access a native app written by QWebSocketServer, it works if I access the server by native client with wss protocol, but it don’t work if I compiled the client to wasm. The browser give me error message “WebSocket connection to ‘wss://xx.xx.xx.xx:yyyy/’ failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID”, looks like I need a certificate verified by some certificate authorizarer. Anyone make this work before by Qt for wasm?


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