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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › How to: 2 nativeUtils.displayDatePicker in 1 page?


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  • #24013


    Sorry, I am new and still learning

    I have a problem and I cant to solve it by my self. So, I hope you can help me.

    <hr />

    I want to put 2 datepicker in one page with 2 different controllers.

    this is my code:

    AppTextField {
            id: picker1
            onClicked: {
            Connections {
                target: nativeUtils
                onDatePickerFinished: {
                    var d = date.toLocaleString(Qt.locale(),"dd/MM/yyyy")
                    if (accepted) txtDate1.text = d
    AppTextField {
            id: picker2
            onClicked: {
            Connections {
                target: nativeUtils
                onDatePickerFinished: {
                    var d = date.toLocaleString(Qt.locale(),"dd/MM/yyyy")
                    if (accepted) txtDate2.text = d

    The problem is, when I have picked date in picker1, then the picker2 is fired too and will give same date as picker1. vice versa.

    I have read the documentation but I cant understand it well. I dont know too how to make it or implement it as an item property. So, I think, asking is better.

    Maybe someone can explain to me. So for the future, I can be smarter than today.

    Thanks 😉



    Solved with simple solution.

    I can trigger Connection target property with null. So, other nativeUtils cant to signal it.

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