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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › How to create an entity at another entity


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  • #20130



    I have been trying to create an entity(an explosion) the x and y but it won’t work. I have one entity that collides with another and one of them when starts and functions that are supposed to create an explosion where the enemy entity was. i have:


    function spawnExplosion () {
                getEnemyIdX = Asteroid.asteroidPosX
                entityManager.createEntityFromUrlWithProperties(Qt.resolvedUrl("Explosion.qml"), {"x": Asteroid.asteroidPosX, "y": 100})

    I know i only have the x position but wanted to try it, am i all wrong here? How is the best way to create an entity on the same position as another?




    Felgo Team

    Hi Isak,

    As this is a very use-case and project specific question, we can only help with dedicated coding support, or e.g. develop features for you! One of our devs can take care of it with the purchase of a support package. Just get in touch at support@felgo.com.


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