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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › How to get the contact point coordinates during onBeginContact

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  • #8667


    I need to know where a contact occurs – ideally in entity coordinates, though world coordinates could also help.

    (I’m trying to ask “did I hit my head or my feet?”,  and it is tricky because the platform I’m hitting might be sloped)

    I can see that in Box2D this is available via the GetWorldManifold() method of the contact passed into the BeginContact() handler.


    How can I get this info in Felgo?




    I’m bumping this question because it has become quite an issue.

    I’m finding more and more reasons why I need to know where the two entities touched, and haven’t yet been able to see an easy way for me to do the maths/geometry to work it out myself.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by  GreenAsJade.

    Felgo Team

    Hi Martin,

    unfortunately, the Box2D-QML plugin that we are using does not offer this feature out of the box. We will try to add it to one of our next updates, in the meantime though, I would recommend using additional colliders at the top and bottom of your character to determine the point of collision.




    Hah – good idea – thanks! 🙂


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