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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › How to port existing Qt 4 / Felgo 1.0 games to Felgo 2.0 / Qt 5

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  • #7320

    Felgo Team

    To port Felgo 1.0 games to Felgo 2.0, these steps are required:

    • Rename the imports from “import VPlay 1.0” and “import QtQuick 1.x” to “import Felgo 3.0” and “import QtQuick 2.0”
    • If you are using MultiResolutionImages in your game, create an own subfolder +sd, +hd and +hd2 in your img folder. Then rename e.g. myimg-hd.png to myimg.png and move it into the +hd folder. See the ChickenOutbreak example in the new release how the new folder structure looks like in a real game.

    As we progress with completing the Felgo port to Qt 5, I will let you know of other API changes here. We give our best to keep them as small as possible, so it is easy to port your existing games over to the new Felgo version!

    Cheers, Chris

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by  Christian.


    Felgo Team

    Hi spike,

    we did not port all Felgo components to Qt 5 yet. Please see the Felgo 2.0 docs which ones are supported atm. We will add more components very soon the next updates in the following weeks.

    Cheers, Chris

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