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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › How to resolve error for unknown navigationBarHidden property?

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  • #22118


    Despite of the documentation the property navigationBarHidden is unknown for a Page in a NavigationStack. How can resolve this issue to hide the navigation bar?


    Felgo Team


    can you post a code example that shows the issue?




    @alex Sure. Thanks for your support:

    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtQuick 2.0
    import QtQuick.Controls 2.4
    App {
        NavigationStack {
            anchors.fill: parent
            Page {
                id: mainPage
                anchors.fill: parent
                navigationBarHidden: true
                SwipeView {
                    id: swipeView
                    anchors.fill: parent
                    interactive: true
                    Item {
                    Item {
                    Item {




    I identified a conflict between QtQuick.Controls and Felgo library. If I import both libraries Page QML Type of Felgo with the navigationBarHidden property is not used. The incompatibility of QtQuick.Controls with Felgo library is a critical issue for professional app development. I found a workaround by importing the Felgo library just in the main QML file file with functions. I noticed, that even QtQuick.Layouts is not part of the Felgo SDK.


    Felgo Team


    it looks like you run into a namespace conflict here, which is easily solved. The missing navigationBarHidden property comes from the fact that you import QtQuickControls AFTER Felgo, thus the Page type from the controls module overrides the Felgo module. So you have 2 options:

    • import Felgo after controls, to give the Felgo components priority
    • import Felgo or controls as own namespace, e.g. like that:
    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtQuick.Controls 2.4 as QQC
    App {
      // ...
      QQC.SwipeView {

    You can also use QtQuick.Layouts with Felgo, it is also included in the Live Client and can be used with live reloading.


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