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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Including "current score" in the VPlayGameNetworkView

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  • #8850


    How would I go about including a row showing the position of the current (last reported) score in the VPlayGameNetworkView.


    I am looking for something like


    1 Chris (400)

    2 Tim (250)

    3 X (249)

    230  Me (GreenAsJade) (15)


    to show how far the person has to go to get onto the board, from this score.


    Felgo Team

    Hi Martin,

    the score value is shown in the leaderboard, as well as the rank. If the player is not in the initial list of the first 30 players, the absolute position will be displayed just as you suggested. 🙂

    Cheers, Chris



    Thanks Chris – my question was about the second point.

    I’d like the “last reported” score value to be shown all the time.

    I’m finding that if the score isn’t shown, then I have to go to some lengths to arrange to show it myself, because I want people to _every time_ see their latest score in relation to the leaderboard.     It’s part of encouraging them to have another try.




    See how my current score is not shown in the leaderboard, so I’ve boosted its size on the screen at the end of the game and displayed the leaderboard below it.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by  GreenAsJade.

    Felgo Team

    Hi Martin,

    you could also show a popup for the last reached score. Or show a different screen first with the last and best score, together with the current leaderboard position.

    In the general-purpose leaderboard screen though, I don’t think we will add it because users might also open the VPlayGameNetworkView when they did not just play before, and showing them the score from a play session a couple of days ago will probably more confuse than help.

    However, you can customize the default VPlayGameNetworkView as you like – you can copy the source code from here.

    Cheers, Chris

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