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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › iOS Landscape woes

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  • #8480




    I just got hold of a mac and iPad air to have a quick play with v-play for iOS.


    I followed the instructions to get everything set up and it seemed to go well. I then started by trying to deploy one of the templates to the iPad.


    It works but doesn’t scale correctly to fill the screen.


    I don’t have a flash on my camera so it’s a bit dark but this screen shots shows what happened:




    Even the splash screen is crammed into the bottom left corner. An app with portrait selected as the orientation works fine. Desktop and Android also work fine in either orientation.


    Apologies if I’m being stupid here but I can’t figure it out at all.


    Can anyone pint me in the right direction? Is there any info I can give that might be useful?


    Some details:

    Macbook Air, os x yosemite

    Ipad air, iOS 8

    Xcode version 6.1

    Qt Creator 3.2.2 (open source) Based on Qt 5.3.2 (Clang 5.1 (Apple), 64 bit)

    Changed !host_build:QMAKE_MAC_SDK=macosx10.8 to !host_build:QMAKE_MAC_SDK=macosx10.9 in qdevice.pri

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by  alb.

    Felgo Team



    The landscape mode with iOS 8 is currently not supported with the latest Qt version (5.3) used by Felgo, to fix the issue please download Xcode 5 from developer.apple.com and deploy your game using iOS 7 base SDK (the default one with Xcode 5).

    Please let us know if you could fix the problem.

    The issue with iOS 8 will be fixed with the release of Qt 5.4 in the first weeks of December.






    Thanks for your quick reply Alex.

    I only borrowed the mac and ipad to see how it all works. I’ll be continuing to develop in Linux so will just wait for 5.4.

    It’s good to know it wasn’t me doing anything wrong.

    Other than that one problem, deploying to an ios device was pretty painless.


    Thanks again,



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