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OverviewFelgo SDK Support › iOS page animation flicker

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  • #25520

    nks (baumemo)

    Hi Felgo Team,

    I implemented a new feature in my app and have really ugly flickering I not recognized before because of “low contrast”. After checking it in detail, I found out it seems to be an issue with the “default” animation used for changing the page in Felgo.

    I did a video and a screenshot to make the situation clear:


    This is a example delivered by felgo (MSV Architecture Demo App).

    Is it possible to get it fixed?



    Felgo Team


    I gave it a quick test on macOS and iOS (using Felgo Dev App). The animations look to play fine and I am struggling to reproduce the issue. Does it show for you reliably, and does it happen on mobile as well or only on Desktop?



    nks (baumemo)

    Hi Günther,

    it happens on iOS device and an desktop (when selecting iOS Theme). This is a very ugly issue in some cases.

    You can see it with a synthetic example. Create a new project Felgo Apps -> Basic Application. Open the TodoListPage and copy the following in the SimpleRow Object:

    Rectangle {
    anchors.fill: parent
    gradient: Gradient {
    orientation: Qt.Horizontal
    GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: “red” }
    GradientStop { position: 0.2; color: “blue” }

    I think this makes the flicker visible for you.



    nks (baumemo)

    Hi Günther,

    did you have the chance to reproduce it? Is the description sufficient?



    Felgo Team


    unfortunately I can not reproduce the issue on my side. There does not seem to be a general issue with the implementation of the animation.

    If it is related to the list delegate, you can try to replace SimpleRow with AppListItem (it is more lightweight and flexible). Maybe it helps?



    nks (baumemo)

    Hi Günther,

    I also tried it with AppListItem instead of SimpleRow. This issue is still there. I think it is a general issue with the implementation of the animation in the iOS Theme.

    I would like to explain the problem in a bit more detail:

    When you follow the instructions of my previous explanations you see a screen with a gradient (left red, right blue). When you press on an item in the list or press the + key on the top right corner the animation begins. The new page flys in from the right side. What you see is that on the left side of the screen the color changes from red to blue (because of the animation). But before the animation has finished you see red again on the left side. It is just for a short moment (but looks ugly in many situations).

    What should happen is, when you see blue on the left side you should not see red on the left side again while animating.


    In looks like that the todo list page moves to the position where it should be when you return to the page. This is ok, but it happens before the animation has finished.

    Do you know what I mean? Hope this description is more helpful.

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