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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Issue with v-play 2.0 and QT Creator

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  • #8617


    Hi Guys


    just signed up for Felgo starter running on mac, I am having the following issues and was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction to solve them.

    – When entering the license number, the watermark goes away, however the fading v-play logo still shows, and it is incredibly annoying.

    – When trying to enter the designer, I get a crash, i tried changing the GameWindow to Rectangle or something else but then the whole thing crashes.


    Also, when creating a license, is there a way to retrieve them at a later stage from the web? meaning is there a list that shows all the licenses that I created?

    Regarding the v-play plugins, the guide shows the option present when installing QT, however I couldn’t see this in my installation. any idea how to get them?



    • This topic was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by  i3D.


    I can share my experience, which is:


    – Yep, the fading logo stays for me too.   I figure: “what do you expect for free, anyhow: it’s not that hard to live with until you’re ready to pay” 🙂

    – I get a crash in the designer too, I reported it in a thread just before yours.  Thankfully, the whole QML system is good enough that I haven’t really felt the need for the designer anyhow 🙂

    – I have successfully re-applied for the license for the same feature name – so that seems to work.

    – I haven’t tried plugins yet.





    Thanks for the reply and feedback


    The fading logo shouldn’t appear even with a free account according to my understanding, however I am a paid customer so my license should allow me to remove the fading logo.


    Hopefully some core team member will shed some light on a solution.




    Felgo Team

    Hi Iyad,

    you are right – the fading logo shall not be displayed as you have purchased a license! Are you sure you did not have one in your project? The Empty Felgo Project for example has a fading icon in it to show how animating a property works.

    Also, did you generate the key for the correct identifier (you can find the app identifier in the config.json file)?

    @ Qt Creator’s UI Designer

    Please see this thread how to solve the issue.

    @ License Generation

    There is no list of previously generated licenses, but you can just re-generate a new license key for your app identifier, they are unlimited with your Felgo license.

    @ Felgo Plugins

    With the Starter license, you get access to the Facebook plugin. The other plugins are available for Indie,Studio & Enterprise licensees, and you can also test them out with the provided samples. You can find the installation instructions & all available plugins here: http://plugins.felgo.com/

    Cheers, Chris



    Hi Chris


    Thanks for your response.


    I used the proper app identifier for the license generation, in fact when i change the identifier to another one whilst having a license key, it’s the only time when the fading logo disappears, replaced by an alert of course to notify me of the broken license. I also checked for any code relating to the logo but couldn’t find one, i usually remove all code in the main file as well.


    Thanks for your clarification on the other questions.




    Felgo Team

    Hi Iyad,

    can you please send your zipped project via download link or email to support@felgo.com?

    We’ll then have a look at it.

    Cheers, Chris



    Hi Chris

    Sorry for the late reply.

    I have sent the project to that email.


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