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OverviewFelgo 1 Support › Mac Os Games not work

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  • #6878


    I’ve installed your SDK and others. Operating system Mac OS Mavericks.
    I got to run only two games Squaby and ChickenOutbreak. For example BalloonPop compile all fine, but just does not start the game. When you press on the icon nothing happens. Debugger writes that everything compiled fine.
    What could be the problem?



    At compilation the BalloonPop issued such problems:


    /Users/denysbogdanov/FelgoSDK/Demos/FelgoSDK/BalloonPop-build-desktop-Desktop_Qt_4_8_1_for_GCC__Qt_SDK_________/../../../Desktop/Qt/4.8.1/gcc/include/QtCore/qglobal.h:328: предупреждение: “This version of Mac OS X is unsupported” [-W#warnings]

    :-1: предупреждение: directory not found for option ‘-L/usr/local/pgsql/lib’

    :-1: предупреждение: directory not found for option ‘-L/tmp/qt-stuff-85167/source/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.1/Desktop/Qt/4.8.1/gcc/lib’

    :-1: предупреждение: directory not found for option ‘-F/tmp/qt-stuff-85167/source/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.1/Desktop/Qt/4.8.1/gcc/lib’


    Then why Squaby compiles fine without any problems?

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by  bkitaec.

    Felgo Team


    I guess the icons are bouncing in the Dock but no windows are opening? Could you please try to close Qt Creator, delete the generated .pro.user files beside the broken demo game’s project files (in the same directory as the .pro file) and finally re-open the projects with Qt Creator (make sure to select the Desktop target when Qt Creator asks for targets to build for).

    Does this solve the problems?





    No, its not solved this problem…

    Deleted all user file, reopen project, select desctop, build project, see the massege “runs /Users/denysbogdanov/FelgoSDK/Demos/FelgoSDK/BalloonPop/BalloonPop.app/Contents/MacOS/BalloonPop…” and nothing happens…



    No, its not solved this problem…

    Deleted all user file, reopen project, select desctop, build project, see the massege “runs /Users/denysbogdanov/FelgoSDK/Demos/FelgoSDK/BalloonPop/BalloonPop.app/Contents/MacOS/BalloonPop…” and nothing happens…


    Felgo Team

    Could you please try to create a new empty Felgo project from the “File -> New” menu and copy the BaloonPop sources (only the contents within the QML folder) into the QML folder of the newly created project? Does this project then run as expected?

    And one more questions, as we can’t reproduce the issue with a clean install right now, are you compiling with the latest stable version or with daily builds (have a look at the CONFIG line in the .pro file).





    Thank you very much! It helped.
    Lacked this code in *.pro file :

    # Following configs are needed for Mac App Store publishing
    macx {
        COMPANY = "Company Name"
        BUNDLEID = net.vplay.builds.Test
        ICON = macx/app_icon.icns
        QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = macx/test-Info.plist
        ENTITLEMENTS = macx/test.entitlements


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