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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Minimum icons for iOS (and how to generate)

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  • #9193


    When I look into an example v-play project, I see a large list of icons in the ios folder.

    Do I really have to make one of each of these?   Is there a workable smaller set

    What do the x2 names mean?

    … and … how can you start with a single hi-res icon, and easily make the necessary variants?




    An answer is here: http://makeappicon.com/ios7icon#

    It has a good description of what is required, and a web app to generate them.

    You have to give them an email to get the icons they generate, but it seemed worth it to me.


    Unfortunately, I get:


    The following build commands failed:

    CopyPNGFile Debug-iphoneos/Leap.app/Icon-72@2x.png /Users/mgregory/Documents/Leap/Leap/ios/Icon-72@2x.png

    CopyPNGFile Debug-iphoneos/Leap.app/Icon-Small-40.png /Users/mgregory/Documents/Leap/Leap/ios/Icon-Small-40.png

    CopyPNGFile Debug-iphoneos/Leap.app/Icon-Small-40@2x.png /Users/mgregory/Documents/Leap/Leap/ios/Icon-Small-40@2x.png


    IE the list these guys give doesn’t match what something seems to want.  I still haven’t worked out what is determining what is needed 🙁



    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by  GreenAsJade.


    … for now, I have put the Felgo icons in place of those three missing ones, just to move on.



    AH – I discovered that I need the iOS 8 set, which is http://makeappicon.com/ios8icon#


    Also, for some reason, it appears I have to have the icons called Defxxx.png.  I wonder what they are?



    Felgo Team

    Hi Martin,

    Sorry for the late answer!


    First of all, do you have an ios block in your pro file like the following?

    ICON_DATA = ...

    If yes you can remove them from your project file in case you’re using the latest Felgo libraries.


    Regarding the icons:

    We also already used the web tool you were linking to, iOS 8 icons should be just finde. 🙂 We added a bunch of default icons to our wizards but you can safely remove unused icons after you updated your project file like mentioned above. We usually also use a small Photoshop script which generated the correct icons for us, if you’re using Photoshop too we can gladly share the script of course.


    Regarding the Def*.png files:

    These files are used as initial splash image on iOS-only. By default they are called “Default.png” (you can google for it), we however renamed them to Def.png as Qt bundles its own set of default launch images too, which would then conflict with our own.


    Hope this answers your questions so far?





    Thanks for the reply.


    I don’t have the ICON_DATA line you mentioned.  My ios section looks like this:


    ios {
        QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = ios/Project-Info.plist
        LIBS += -L$$PWD/ios


    And yet … if I delete any of these:


    I get the error messages I mentioned above.   I can’t figure out what it is that is wanting them…





    Felgo Team


    The project file looks good to me. If you delete one of those files please also make sure that they are not referenced in the “ios/Project-Info.plist” file anymore. Otherwise you should just replace the Felgo generated ones with your own.



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