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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Monthly/yearly subscriptions to app content

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  • #13046


    Hi guys,

    I’m wondering if it’s possible to integrate monthly/yearly subscriptions to in-app content?

    For example, a certain number of levels are available for free, and when users purchase the one-month option – they have one month of access to all other content – and the same for the yearly option.

    Any tips on how to implement this? It’s definitely the preferred revenue stream for my game.



    Felgo Team

    Hi Kool!

    Unfortunately the Soomla plugin for in-app purchases currently does not support handling subscription items like you know from native apps.
    (This is requested a lot, but they did not get to implement it yet).


    I think you can achieve a quite similar in-app purchase model with a little workaround though:
    You can introduce the one-month or one-year access as a SingleUseGood item in your Soomla store.

    Once a user buys this item, you can save the time of purchase and subscription duration with our GameNetwork’s WebStorage. This will store the data in the cloud for the user and the app across all his devices. By retrieving and checking the data from the WebStorage you can then determine if the user is allowed to access the restricted content or not. Of course you should then only show the option to buy another subscription if there is no subscription running yet. To avoid troubles with different local time settings (or players renewing their subscription by setting back their local time) it might be good to use time web-service for the checks.

    The main drawback of the workaround is that it is not possible to have the subscription renew itself after the subscription period is over. The player would have to buy another subscription as a single good then. The total amount of the SingleUseGood items the user has bought then refers to how often he purchased such a subscription.




    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by  GT.
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