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OverviewFelgo 1 Support › Need help building the Felgo Flappy Bird Source Code for Android 4.4

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  • #6955


    I’ve got the Flappy Bird Source code that I plan on editing. And I got the free trial for Felgo. Now I need step by step instructions on what I have to do to build to Android 4.4. Please, use simple terms, I am not a professional developer, I simply want to develop a gag version of Flappy Bird to share with my friends and family. If this is successful it could determine whether or not I buy Felgo.

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by  Shazak. Reason: Changed Topic Title

    Joshua Hiwat


    On this page can you find a tuturial to build your own flappy bird.

    When you are ready to launch you go to,
    Here you can build your first application.

    But you first need to zip your game, go to your ‘qml’ file in your ‘Flappy bird master’ file, ‘archive’ al your files in the ‘qml’ file in a ‘zip’ format, and when that is ready, you upload the full ‘zip’ file, in to the ‘V-play.net’ build server on, https://builds.felgo.com/

    Wait 5 a 10 min, and then you can scan the ‘QR’ code, and play your free Flappy Bird Clone.

    For IOS you you must first read this,

    ‘In order to be able to build and install your game on <b>iOS</b> please send us the UDID of your iOS-based test device(s) to help@felgo.com (two at a maximum).
    You can find your devices’ UDIDs like described here: whatsmyudid.com

    No Thnx, Joshua!



    Hi Shazak,

    thanks to joshuavi you got a really nice description of the different steps on building and deploying the game. Additionally it is important that you are allowed to install unsigned applications on your phone.



    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by  David.


    Thanks so much, figured it out on another post, but still thanks for your timely responses!

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