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OverviewFelgo 1 Support › new to flappy bird..some help

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  • #7240


    Hi I have been playing with the code in the player.qml and I’m trying to animation to the character to explode when he hits the pipes but I am unsuccessful. If anyone can give me tips I would really appreciate it


    Felgo Team

    Hi Jeff,

    you could for example add a new Sprite element in SpriteSequenceFromFile with your explosion animation and then start it on the signal gameOver of the player. Like this:

        Sprite {
          name: "explode"
          frameNames: [
           //your explosion animation frames
          frameCount: ...
          frameRate: ...

    And in player:

      onGameOver: spriteSequence.jumpTo("explode")

    Hope this helps!




    Hi, i’ve built Flappy Bird application with the Build Server and it does not run in Android 2.3. I’ve never entered the Android API Level, and i wonder to know where is such option. Did you compile it for Android?





    Felgo Team

    Hi Mariano,

    all apps built with Felgo are available for Android 2.3+, so it should be possible to run Flappy Bird on your device.

    Did you just build the Demo source which comes with Felgo SDK? What exactly is the problem?






    Hi Chrisu, yes i just downloaded de source code of the demo and i could build it and run it on Windows. Then, i uploaded the zip of the qml folder to the build server, and i dowloaded de .apk. When i run the application in my phone the screen gets black and it never loads. The only thing that “works” then, is the back button that makes a confirmation message to appear several times and then i must press home button to sitch to another app.


    The API level for wich the Build Server compiles the app isn’t changeable? What about another options like if i use Google API?

    My phone is an LG-E400g with Android 2.3.6



    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by  mm-games.

    Felgo Team

    Hi again,

    could you maybe try the APK on a different device or on the Android emulator?

    Yes the minimum API level is always the same for all Felgo apps, because all Felgo plugins are designed to work on Android 2.3 upwards.





    Hi again, i’ve tested the app on Android 4.1.2, and it runs just fine. I’ve installed the same apk i tryed before on Android 2.3.6. Could it be a problem in the build server? or maybe it consumes too much RAM or some resources for the cellphone with Android 2.3.6?





    Felgo Team


    Hi Chrisu, Chicken Outbreak runs just fine. So, do you think is it some limitation of the cellphone?

    I’ve tested other applications similar to “Flappy Bird” and the run.





    I’m looking for a framework for making games that could be run in old cellphones with Android 2.3, because they still represent a considerable part of the market. Is it any way of making this game “lighter”?





    Felgo Team

    Hi again,

    if the other apps similar to Flappy Bird run on your device, then your custom build should run as well.

    Could you try uninstalling some apps on the LG phone, maybe there is not enough space?

    You could also try creating a publish build, sign it and test it on your phone, since these builds generally use a bit less resources.

    Can you also try to build just a very basic sample project, like the one that Felgo creates when you create a new “Empty Felgo project” in QtCreator and see if that works on your phone?





    Hi Chrisu, i was testing some apps and i remembered this problem with flappy bird tutorial on mi LG-E400g with Android 2.3.6. I’ve connected it to my PC with LogCat and I’ve seen some Qt errors. I paste the log here:

    05-30 22:46:12.509: I/Qt(6735): qt start
    05-30 22:46:13.269: W/Qt(6735): WARNING: QApplication was not created in the main() thread.
    05-30 22:46:13.269: D/Qt(6735): QAndroidPlatformIntegrationPlugin::create "android" 
    05-30 22:46:13.299: D/Qt(6735): QAndroidPlatformIntegration::QAndroidPlatformIntegration():  creating QAndroidPlatformScreen => Using Raster (Software) for painting 
    05-30 22:46:13.319: D/Qt(6735): QAndroidPlatformScreen::QAndroidPlatformScreen():QFbScreen() 
    05-30 22:46:16.189: W/Qt(6735): QDeclarativeWorkerScript: Attempt to send message before WorkerScript establishment
    05-30 22:46:16.199: D/Qt(6735): Scene: returning 1 for the xScaleForScene, but sceneGameWindow was invalid! this is the scene: MenuScene_QMLTYPE_31(0x259d10)
    05-30 22:46:16.249: D/Qt(6735): Scene: returning 1 for the xScaleForScene, but sceneGameWindow was invalid! this is the scene: GameScene_QMLTYPE_42(0x254308)
    05-30 22:46:16.369: D/Qt(6735): Scene: returning 1 for the xScaleForScene, but sceneGameWindow was invalid! this is the scene: VPlayGameNetworkScene_QMLTYPE_88(0x640178)
    05-30 22:46:16.599: D/Qt(6735): Scene: onSceneGameWindowChanged changed to FlappyBirdMain_QMLTYPE_91(0x264198, "gameWindow")
    05-30 22:46:16.609: D/Qt(6735): Scene: onScaleModeChanged: xScaleForScene( 1 ) is different than from GameWindow ( 0 )
    05-30 22:46:16.669: D/Qt(6735): Scene: onSceneGameWindowChanged changed to FlappyBirdMain_QMLTYPE_91(0x264198, "gameWindow")
    05-30 22:46:16.709: D/Qt(6735): Scene: onSceneGameWindowChanged changed to FlappyBirdMain_QMLTYPE_91(0x264198, "gameWindow")
    05-30 22:46:16.899: D/Qt(6735): GameWindow: creating cocos item in cocosWrapper triggered by JavaScript code explicitly: LeaderboardLoadMoreDelegate_QMLTYPE_60(0x77c770)
    05-30 22:46:16.919: D/Qt(6735): GameWindow: creating cocos item in cocosWrapper triggered by JavaScript code explicitly: LeaderboardLoadMoreDelegate_QMLTYPE_60(0x782bd8)
    05-30 22:46:16.919: D/Qt(6735): GameWindow: creating cocos item in cocosWrapper triggered by JavaScript code explicitly: LeaderboardLoadMoreDelegate_QMLTYPE_60(0x786738)
    05-30 22:46:16.929: D/Qt(6735): GameWindow: creating cocos item in cocosWrapper triggered by JavaScript code explicitly: LeaderboardLoadMoreDelegate_QMLTYPE_60(0x78bb18)
    05-30 22:46:16.939: D/Qt(6735): GameWindow: creating cocos item in cocosWrapper triggered by JavaScript code explicitly: LeaderboardLoadMoreDelegate_QMLTYPE_60(0x790f30)
    05-30 22:46:16.949: D/Qt(6735): GameWindow: creating cocos item in cocosWrapper triggered by JavaScript code explicitly: LeaderboardLoadMoreDelegate_QMLTYPE_60(0x796318)
    05-30 22:46:16.989: D/Qt(6735): VPGN: ProfileView: changed fbConnectioState to facebookNotConnected
    05-30 22:46:17.029: D/Qt(6735): EntityManager: onCompleted()
    05-30 22:46:17.029: D/Qt(6735): EntityManager: initialize(), creating entities from dynamicCreationEntityList if there are some in it
    05-30 22:46:17.119: D/Qt(6735): userAchievements changed to [{"achievement":{"created_at":"2014-02-26T21:21:40Z","data":"","description":"Paper Bag for Poo","key":"paperBag","name":"Paper Bag","points":10,"registered_on_facebook":true,"target":1,"updated_at":"2014-02-26T21:21:40Z"},"counter":0},{"achievement":{"created_at":"2014-02-26T21:21:40Z","data":"","description":"Plastic Bag for Poo","key":"PlasticBag","name":"Plastic Bag","points":50,"registered_on_facebook":true,"target":2,"updated_at":"2014-02-26T21:21:40Z"},"counter":0}]
    05-30 22:46:17.119: D/Qt(6735): WARNING: no achievements set for AchievementView: [object Object]  - define the achievements in the VPlayGameNetwork component!
    05-30 22:46:17.119: D/Qt(6735): initialAchievementValues: []
    05-30 22:46:17.129: D/Qt(6735): VPGN: in initialize, read userData from storage: {"gender":"","deviceId":"4078a33bd8222d1f","userId":112709,"facebookToken":"","facebookId":"","authenticationToken":"aHwjKN2n3wghXgH4jIyY4svykGi1LTV","profileImageId":0,"lastName":"","locale":"","timestamp":13,"name":"112709","facebookTokenValid":false,"profileImageUrl":"","firstName":""}
    05-30 22:46:17.139: D/Qt(6735): VPGN: read storedOfflineSendingQueue at app startup: []
    05-30 22:46:17.139: D/Qt(6735): VPGN: autoLogin was true, so authenticate the last logged in player stored locally in a database
    05-30 22:46:17.139: D/Qt(6735): VPGN: a valid user was found, no need to call login for user 112709 with token: aHwjKN2n3wghXgH4jIyY4svykGi1LTV and timestamp: 13
    05-30 22:46:17.159: D/Qt(6735): VPGN: storing user data: {"deviceId":"4078a33bd8222d1f","facebookId":"","facebookToken":"","facebookTokenValid":false,"userId":112709,"name":"112709","firstName":"","lastName":"","gender":"","locale":"","profileImageUrl":"","profileImageId":0,"authenticationToken":"aHwjKN2n3wghXgH4jIyY4svykGi1LTV","timestamp":13}
    05-30 22:46:17.159: D/Qt(6735): VPGN: userGotAuthenticated()
    05-30 22:46:17.179: D/Qt(6735): VPGNAPI: sendRequest called: {"action":"get_user_scores"} , currentlySendingRequest: undefined
    05-30 22:46:17.229: D/Qt(6735): VPGN: storing user data: {"deviceId":"4078a33bd8222d1f","facebookId":"","facebookToken":"","facebookTokenValid":false,"userId":112709,"name":"112709","firstName":"","lastName":"","gender":"","locale":"","profileImageUrl":"","profileImageId":0,"authenticationToken":"aHwjKN2n3wghXgH4jIyY4svykGi1LTV","timestamp":14}
    05-30 22:46:17.419: D/Qt(6735): VPGNAPI: sendRequest called: {"action":"get_achievement_progress"} , currentlySendingRequest: {"action":"get_user_scores"}
    05-30 22:46:17.419: D/Qt(6735): VPGNAPI: currently there is an active request awaiting response or pauseRequests is true, so add this request to the queue: {"action":"get_achievement_progress"}
    05-30 22:46:17.429: D/Qt(6735): VPGN: OfflineHandler: storeOfflineSendingQueue() called, storing this queue: []
    05-30 22:46:17.859: D/Qt(6735): WARNING: EntityBase: you did not set an entityType for the entity Pipes_QMLTYPE_36(0x5b59d0)  with entityId   - to be able to distinguish your entities set the entityType!
    05-30 22:46:17.909: D/Qt(6735): WARNING: EntityBase: you did not set an entityType for the entity Pipes_QMLTYPE_36(0x521a18)  with entityId   - to be able to distinguish your entities set the entityType!
    05-30 22:46:18.089: D/Qt(6735): Settings: onCompleted()
    05-30 22:46:18.089: D/Qt(6735): Settings: soundEnabled locally (not read from the database): true
    05-30 22:46:18.099: D/Qt(6735): Settings: musicEnabled locally (not read from the database): true
    05-30 22:46:18.119: D/Qt(6735): Settings: loadUserSetting for propertyname soundEnabled returned true
    05-30 22:46:18.119: D/Qt(6735): Settings: loadUserSetting for propertyname musicEnabled returned true
    05-30 22:46:18.119: D/Qt(6735): Settings: loadUserSetting for propertyname particlesEnabled returned true
    05-30 22:46:18.129: D/Qt(6735): Settings: loadUserSetting for propertyname customData returned [object Object]
    05-30 22:46:18.129: D/Qt(6735): Settings: loadUserSetting for propertyname maximumHighscore returned 0
    05-30 22:46:18.129: D/Qt(6735): Settings: loadUserSetting for propertyname username returned 
    05-30 22:46:20.409: D/Qt(6735): _request # 0 : {"action":"get_user_scores","token":"aHwjKN2n3wghXgH4jIyY4svykGi1LTV","timestamp":13,"requestTimeStamp":1401500777243}
    05-30 22:46:20.439: D/Qt(6735): _response: {"status":"success","data":{"defaultLeaderboard":{"value":-1,"data":"","pos":-1,"total_scores":2272,"updated_at":null}}}
    05-30 22:46:20.469: D/Qt(6735): localUserScores: {"defaultLeaderboard":{"total_scores":2268,"value":-1,"data":"","pos":-1}} remoteUserScores: {"data":{"defaultLeaderboard":{"data":"","pos":-1,"total_scores":2272,"value":-1}},"status":"success"}
    05-30 22:46:20.479: D/Qt(6735): VPGNAPI: there are 1 requests in the queue, so send this queued request now: {"action":"get_achievement_progress"}
    05-30 22:46:20.479: D/Qt(6735): VPGNAPI: sendRequest called: {"action":"get_achievement_progress"} , currentlySendingRequest: undefined
    05-30 22:46:20.479: D/Qt(6735): VPGN: storing user data: {"deviceId":"4078a33bd8222d1f","facebookId":"","facebookToken":"","facebookTokenValid":false,"userId":112709,"name":"112709","firstName":"","lastName":"","gender":"","locale":"","profileImageUrl":"","profileImageId":0,"authenticationToken":"aHwjKN2n3wghXgH4jIyY4svykGi1LTV","timestamp":15}
    05-30 22:46:21.569: D/Qt(6735): _request # 1 : {"action":"get_achievement_progress","token":"aHwjKN2n3wghXgH4jIyY4svykGi1LTV","timestamp":14,"requestTimeStamp":1401500780494}
    05-30 22:46:21.619: D/Qt(6735): _response: {"status":"success","data":[{"achievement":{"key":"paperBag","name":"Paper Bag","description":"Paper Bag for Poo","data":"","icon":null,"picture_id":null,"points":10,"target":1,"registered_on_facebook":true,"created_at":"2014-02-26T21:21:40Z","updated_at":"2014-02-26T21:21:40Z"},"counter":0,"awarded_at":null},{"achievement":{"key":"PlasticBag","name":"Plastic Bag","description":"Plastic Bag for Poo","data":"","icon":null,"picture_id":null,"points":50,"target":2,"registered_on_facebook":true,"created_at":"2014-02-26T21:21:40Z","updated_at":"2014-02-26T21:21:40Z"},"counter":0,"awarded_at":null}]}
    05-30 22:46:21.619: D/Qt(6735): localUserAchievements: [{"achievement":{"created_at":"2014-02-26T21:21:40Z","updated_at":"2014-02-26T21:21:40Z","target":1,"points":10,"description":"Paper Bag for Poo","key":"paperBag","registered_on_facebook":true,"data":"","name":"Paper Bag"},"counter":0},{"achievement":{"created_at":"2014-02-26T21:21:40Z","updated_at":"2014-02-26T21:21:40Z","target":2,"points":50,"description":"Plastic Bag for Poo","key":"PlasticBag","registered_on_facebook":true,"data":"","name":"Plastic Bag"},"counter":0}] 
    05-30 22:46:21.619: D/Qt(6735): remoteUserAchievements: {"data":[{"achievement":{"created_at":"2014-02-26T21:21:40Z","data":"","description":"Paper Bag for Poo","key":"paperBag","name":"Paper Bag","points":10,"registered_on_facebook":true,"target":1,"updated_at":"2014-02-26T21:21:40Z"},"counter":0},{"achievement":{"created_at":"2014-02-26T21:21:40Z","data":"","description":"Plastic Bag for Poo","key":"PlasticBag","name":"Plastic Bag","points":50,"registered_on_facebook":true,"target":2,"updated_at":"2014-02-26T21:21:40Z"},"counter":0}],"status":"success"}
    05-30 22:46:21.639: D/Qt(6735): AchievementView: do not update the server achievements from client achievements in publish builds or on mobile devices, skip this step
    05-30 22:46:21.649: D/Qt(6735): userAchievements changed to [{"achievement":{"created_at":"2014-02-26T21:21:40Z","data":"","description":"Paper Bag for Poo","key":"paperBag","name":"Paper Bag","points":10,"registered_on_facebook":true,"target":1,"updated_at":"2014-02-26T21:21:40Z"},"counter":0},{"achievement":{"created_at":"2014-02-26T21:21:40Z","data":"","description":"Plastic Bag for Poo","key":"PlasticBag","name":"Plastic Bag","points":50,"registered_on_facebook":true,"target":2,"updated_at":"2014-02-26T21:21:40Z"},"counter":0}]
    05-30 22:46:21.659: D/Qt(6735): VPGN: userInitiallyInSync changed to: true

    I’ve programmed in C++ with Qt the last years, and i see one familliar problem..

    WARNING: QApplication was not created in the main() threa

    In Qt the QAppliation object Must be in the main thread because it has the main loop where all GUI events and related signals are processed.


    I hope it helps to figure out the problem, so i can run the app on old android 2.3 phones. They still represent the 20% of the market today!

    Thanks, regards


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by  mm-games.

    Felgo Team

    Hi Mariano,

    we ran the Flappy Bird demo and all other sample games successfully on Android 2.3 devices.

    Do you get any error in the log that indicates why your app is crashing?

    Did you try to run a simple game template (like the Empty Felgo project) on your Android test device yet, if it also crashes?

    Cheers, Chris

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