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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Not sure what to do with this code

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  • #9377


    I am using the
    “How to Make a Flappy Bird Game with Felgo”
    page as a guide for creating my own type of Flappy Bird, but I am having problems with this one part:
    Game Logic
    The game will have 3 states:

    • wait: Pipes will not move, game starts after the first touch on the screen.
    • play: Actual game.
    • gameOver: Player hits a pipe or the ground and falls down to the ground. The next touch on the screen will reset the game.

    Add a custom property to the Scene in main.qml like this:

    property string gameState: "wait"

    We will begin with the wait state, by setting it as default value.

    Then we can use this state to control the gravity, with a property binding

    gravity.y: scene.gameState != "wait" ? -27 : 0


    Basically, I don’t understand what to do here. I think what I’m missing is the custom property part or property binding part. I have tried putting the property string gameState: “wait” in the scene of the main.qml with the gravity.y: scene.gameState != “wait” ? -27 : 0 underneath it, but I am very sure that’s not what you are not supposed to do. I am new to this coding stuff and don’t have much experience yet. I am sure there is a really easy way to do this since the game being made is fairly simple. Any help would be appreciated. Here is the link if you need it: http://felgo.com/doc/howto-flappybird-game/

    • This topic was modified 9 years ago by  DaRealSteve.

    Felgo Team

    Hi Steve,

    the gravity is a property of the PhysicsWorld, please search for that item in your code and then replace it with the new property binding.

    In case you are not familiar with the xxx ? yyy : zzz syntax, it means if the expression in xxx is true then do yyy, else do zzz. So in this case, the gravity will always be -27 as long as the gameState is not “wait”.


    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by  Alex.
    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by  Alex.


    Thanks so much.

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