It’s a shame there’s no (free) offline installer, I was looking forward to testing this tool, looked promising. Unfortunately, after a rather buggy time just getting the online installer downloader (from… Online), it refuses to complete the SSL handshake. Manually set the proxy settings (and tried the default), added a firewall exception, uh… Restarted my computer. Not much recourse left, actually, installer lacks options or diagnostics. I did manually enter the url, and download the relevant Update.xml, or whatever it was. Lotta good it does me with the installer’s options.
Sorry, but why would I buy a product I can’t try? If I can’t install it, I can’t try it, so why would I buy it? I don’t need a ‘custom offline installer’, just the SDK. That would be fine. Wouldn’t even have to be an installer, I can handle a .zip; I am a developer, after all. Not to be rude, but honestly, it’s a little sad that something as basic as an installer would be a premium feature. No worries though, I chose yours from a list of bookmarks I put aside. I’ll just be on to the next in the list. Thanks, and have a good one.