Hi Felgo
I have problem running QR/Barcode scanner in Qt6. Previously (Qt5) I was using clones/wrapes of ZXing lib for that in a few of my apps.
Especially this one https://github.com/ftylitak/qzxing and it works fine with Qt5, but from what they wrote it was not tested for Qt6
Now for Qt6 I tried to use this one https://github.com/scytheStudio/SCodes as they wrote it was tested with Qt6 6.3.0 (However nothing about iOS version)
In this Github repo there is example (QmlBarcodeReader) which runs fine on Linux, but on Android camera does not work, blank screen…. no visible errors in output
Can you advice on QR scanner lib?
This is essential in my app, I would even consider going back to Qt5 if this is only solution for working QR code scanner in Android and iOS
Best Regards